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В Туркменистане впервые студенты-платники получат дипломы без отработки




Students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, who studied on a paid basis, for the first time will be able to receive diplomas without two years of training in a specialty that all graduates of the country without exception were previously required to take. This change in the procedure for issuing diplomas to graduates is being implemented in accordance with the relevant Decree of the

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, published on the website of the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.
Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov last summer, during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, came up with an initiative to exempt graduates of paid faculties of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan from graduation work.

The change in the procedure for issuing diplomas will not apply to university graduates who studied for a fee in the specialties “medicine” and “pedagogy” - these students will have to undergo training on an equal basis with graduates of budgetary departments.