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The structure of the recognition process . Diploma recognition procedure List of required documents Guide to Document Recognition

Guidelines for the application of the procedure for the recognition in Turkmenistan of documents on higher and secondary vocational education issued in foreign countries

Confirmed by order No. 80 issued by the
Minister of Education of Turkmenistan
On March 29, 2019

The Guideline

on the Application of the Procedure for recognition of Documents on higher and secondary professional education provided in foreign countries in Turkmenistan

(With amendments and additions made on the basis of orders No. 46 issued by the Minister of Education of Turkmenistan on February 27, 2021, No. 20 issued on January 25, 2023, by the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan on March 1, 2021 and February 1, 2023 registered with the State Register under registration numbers 1450 and 1685)

Chapter I. General rules

 1. The given Guideline for the Application of the Procedure for recognition of Documents on Higher and Secondary Professional Education in Turkmenistan (hereinafter - the Guideline) was prepared in accordance with the Resolution 1176 of the President of Turkmenistan "On Approving the Procedure for recognition of Documents on Higher and Secondary Professional Education in Turkmenistan" issued on March 16, 2019 and regulates relations related to the recognition of Documents on higher and secondary professional education issued in foreign countries (hereinafter - Documents) in Turkmenistan.

2. Documents issued to citizens of Turkmenistan, foreign citizens permanently residing in Turkmenistan and stateless persons in foreign countries after January 1, 1993 are subject to recognition.

3. The document issued in a foreign country is recognized in Turkmenistan as the fact that it meets the requirements for professional education in Turkmenistan, i.e. it is a mandatory requirement for its holder to continue his studies on the programmes of the next level of education in the territory of Turkmenistan, to carry out professional work, including education in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Turkmenistan requirements are understood to be officially approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

The recognition of Documents in Turkmenistan does not give its owner rights superior to those granted in the country where the document was received.

4. An official letter or archival certificate issued by a foreign state's education or educational management agency that the graduate has actually studied, has fully mastered the curriculum, and has been issued a Certificate, and the Certificate is that the content and quality of the preparation of the graduate is in accordance with the state education standards are the basis for approval.

5. Requirements for recognition of Documents:

1) Documents must be issued by the following professional training institutions:

a) state professional education institutions for countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and by educational institutions with official authority in other foreign countries;

b) documents on social and humanitarian sciences specified in the State Classifications of specializations of secondary vocational education and specializations of higher education of Turkmenistan provided by higher educational institutions that are included in the list of international organizations that form the leadership of educational institutions of the world.

The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan prepares information on the fields of social and humanitarian sciences specified in the State Classifications of Specializations of Secondary Vocational Education and Specializations of Higher Education in Turkmenistan obtained from the official website of international organizations (“Academic Ranking of World Universities”, “QS World University Rankings”, “The Three University Missions” and “The Times Higher Education World University Rankings”), provides a list of leading foreign educational institutions and takes appropriate measures to bring it to everyone's attention;

2) training should be full-time (with the condition of exclusion from production);

3) the standard measurement period for the adoption of the professional education programme for the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States shall not be less than the periods established by the legislation of Turkmenistan for higher and secondary professional institutions.

For other foreign countries, the standard measurement period for the adoption of the professional education programme should be in accordance with the periods specified in the International Standard of Education Classification approved by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);

4) due to the occurrence of circumstances beyond the control of the document holders (natural disaster, epidemic, pandemic and other similar situations), there should be a certificate to continue the implementation of the educational programmes adopted by the professional education institution of the foreign state through electronic courses and distance education technologies.

6. The fifth part of this Guideline:

1) The requirements specified in paragraph 1 do not apply for those who entered the institutions in accordance with the legislation in force before the implementation of the Procedure for the recognition of Documents on higher and secondary professional education issued in foreign countries, approved by the Resolution 1176 of the President of Turkmenistan on March 16, 2019;

2) The requirements specified in points 1-2 do not apply to the following:

a) Documents issued to persons sent to study in accordance with the intergovernmental and interdepartmental international agreements of Turkmenistan;

b) Documents of completion of the study according to the full-and-part-time or part-time study before January 9, 2014 at professional educational institutions that have passed state or state-owned non-state accreditation or international accreditation of member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and educational institutions that have official authority in other foreign countries;

c) Documents recognized on the basis of the Decision of the relevant Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan;

d) Documents obtained by entering and completing the full-and-part-time or part-time education study at the request of the ministries and departmental management bodies justifying their need for specialists, in the case of the permission of the respective departments of the Cabinet of the President of Turkmenistan, the relevant Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan, or the employer's agreement to recognize the documents of those who have not less than two years of work experience from January 9, 2014, approved by the Resolution 1176 of the President of Turkmenistan issued on March 16, 2019, before the implementation of the procedure of recognition of Documents on higher and secondary professional education issued in foreign countries in Turkmenistan.

3) The requirements specified in point 3 do not apply to the following:

a) Documents received in shortened form of training on the basis of professional education;

b) Documents of those with special abilities who have mastered the educational programme ahead of time according to the independent educational plan;

The requirements set out in point 4 do not apply to:

a) Documents issued to persons sent to study in accordance with international intergovernmental and interagency agreements of Turkmenistan;

b) Documents recognized on the basis of the decision of the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan.

7. Documents issued by foreign professional education institutions for specialties (fields of training) not specified in the State Classifications of specializations of secondary vocational education and higher professional education of Turkmenistan are recognized by the corresponding speciality.

Taking into account the characteristics of the professions, in order to meet the requirements for the relevant (associate) professional education, additional paid courses are organized for a period of up to one year. In order to improve the quality of training, taking into account the specifics of the profession, experienced employees of relevant ministries and departmental administrations can be hired on an hourly basis to teach training.


Chapter II. Organization of recognition process

8. Activities of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan regarding the recognition of Documents issued by higher and secondary professional institutions of foreign countries:

1) forming of a working group on the recognition of Documents issued in foreign countries within the territory of Turkmenistan;

2) organizing (registering) the process of accepting documents in accordance with Chapter III entitled “List of documents required for conducting the recognition process” of this Guideline;

3) recruiting responsible representatives of higher education institutions to accept documents related to recognition;

4) analyzing the accepted documents in accordance with the fifth part of this Guideline, as well as preparing a report and sending it to the relevant higher and secondary professional school of Turkmenistan for conducting the State Examinations;

5) considering the results of the working groups of the higher and secondary professional institutions of Turkmenistan on the recognition of Documents issued in foreign countries and making a decision on the results of the State Examinations;

6) issuing an order on the recognition of Documents issued in foreign countries and filling out the Recognition certificate (hereinafter - Recognition certificate, an appendix to this Guideline) about the recognition of the education document issued in foreign countries, sending it to the relevant higher and secondary professional education institutions, confirming by signing the affidavit;

7) issuing the Recognition Certificate;

8) taking into account the characteristics of the “Law” speciality, drawing up a training programme including 3-month paid training for the recognition in Turkmenistan of the documents of higher professional education issued to the judges of Turkmenistan in the field of “Law” in foreign countries and approving together with the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan;

9) establishing the State Examination Committee consisting of representatives of Supreme Court of Turkmenistan, the Prosecutor General's Office of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of National Security of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan, Magtymguly Turkmen State University, the Institute of International Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, and the International University of Humanities and Development to accept examinations from citizens of Turkmenistan who apply for the recognition in Turkmenistan of documents on higher professional education issued in the field of “Law” in foreign countries, submitting the proposal to the consideration of the relevant Deputy Prime Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for the creation and approving its composition in the appropriate order;

10) sending the documents to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan to place the list of recognized citizens on the official “Employment portal;

11) posting information on the procedure for recognizing documents and organizing trainings on the official website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

9. Activities of higher and secondary professional institutions of Turkmenistan regarding the recognition of Documents issued by higher and secondary professional institutions of foreign countries:

1) forming a working group in the territory of Turkmenistan for recognition of Documents issued in foreign countries;

2) appointing representatives responsible for accepting (registering) documents in accordance with Chapter III entitled “List of documents required for conducting the recognition process” of this Guideline;

3) verifying compliance of the documents with the requirements of the fifth part of this Guideline;

4) analyzing the foreign countries' educational programmes in accordance with the education provided in the professional or training field and the requirements for each profession;

The working group makes a decision by studying the list of courses studied, the number of academic hours given to them, experiences and others with the participation of relevant field representatives (artists, scientists, professors) for those studying in professions (fields of training) that are not prepared in the institutions of professional education of Turkmenistan or changing the profession (field of training) during the course of study, completing the educational school of a foreign country, according to the issue of recognition of the received document in the territory of Turkmenistan according to the field of training (profession) closest to the content of education. Issues that arise during the admission process can be discussed in the scientific council (teachers or methodological councils) of the educational institution;

5) calculating the number of academic hours according to the credit system used in higher education institutions of Turkmenistan, if the study load is specified in credits (accounting unit) in the appendix of the document;

6) preparing a report with a recommendation on the level of education and sending it to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan and the acquired profession (direction of preparation);

7) compensating for the existing differences in the national part of the educational programme, organizing counseling trainings and, if necessary, additional paid trainings for a speciality (preparatory field) of a duration not exceeding one year, taking into account the characteristics of certain professions;

8) conducting the State Examination on social studies of Turkmenistan;

9) conducting the State Examination on subjects related to major (field of preparation);

10) sending information on the results of the State Examinations to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan according to the prescribed format;

11) officializing of the Recognition Certificate (filling out the Recognition Certificate of the recognition of the Document of Education issued in foreign countries) and informing the owner of the Document, the relevant ministry or department about the results of consideration of the issue of recognition of Documents.

91. Checking the literacy of the holder of the document, who enrolled in a professional education institution of a foreign state and pursued using e-learning and distance education technologies due to an emergency.

10. Higher and secondary professional institutions are responsible for the compliance, completeness and correctness of the accepted documents with the requirements of this Guideline.


Chapter III. The list of required documents for the process of approval

11. The list of necessary documents for the process of approval of a document issued by a foreign higher and secondary vocational school in the territory of Turkmenistan is as follows:

1) In accordance with the international agreements of Turkmenistan, the application for the approval of the document of the citizen of Turkmenistan sent to a targeted study by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan or

In accordance with the international agreements of Turkmenistan, the letter of approval of the document from the ministries, departmental administrative bodies of Turkmenistan, which sent the citizen of Turkmenistan to targeted training, or

Application for approval of a document of a person who studied privately outside the territory of Turkmenistan;

2) two copies of the document on higher and secondary professional education (the document must be legalized in countries that are not members of the Commonwealth of Independent States) officially translated into the state language of Turkmenistan;

3) a document on second higher education, a document on a Master's Degree, two copies of a document on previous education, officially translated into the state language of Turkmenistan, in case of approval of documents obtained in the abbreviated form of studies on the basis of professional education or academic certificate;

4) two copies of the Bachelor's Degree document officially translated into the state language of Turkmenistan (and the Certificate of Approval, if approved);

5) two copies of the appendix of the document (excerpt from the list of examinations), officially translated into the state language of Turkmenistan, showing the study courses, the amount of academic hours and the grades assigned to the knowledge of each study course;

6) a certified copy of the document on the state or international accreditation of the educational institution of the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which issued the documents referred to in sub-paragraphs "b" - "d" of the sixth part of the 2nd sub-division of this directory (if provided in that country ) two copies officially translated into the state language of Turkmenistan;

7) an official letter or archival certificate of a foreign state's educational or educational administration body with the following information:

a) the date of admission and completion of studies in higher and secondary vocational schools (if there are several of them, higher and secondary vocational schools) and (if provided by the educational institution) by higher and secondary vocational schools orders issued, type of training;

b) the standard term of training in the speciality (field of training) (if not specified in the appendix to the Regulation);

c) registration mark of the document;

d) organizational-legal form of the educational institution.

An official letter or archival certificate (original copy) is written on the letterhead of the foreign state's education or educational administration body, signed by its head (for state educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States - with a state seal) , it must be accompanied by an official translation into the state language of Turkmenistan.

An official letter or archival certificate of a foreign state's education or educational administration body for documents issued to citizens of Turkmenistan sent for targeted training by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, other ministries and departmental administrative bodies of Turkmenistan in accordance with international agreements of Turkmenistan it can be replaced by a certificate of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, which confirms that the stated requirements and the ministries and departmental administrations of Turkmenistan that sent foreign countries for targeted training have been fulfilled.

The holder of the document may submit other documents valid in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state and confirming the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the fifth part of this Directory;

8) a copy of the passport or another document that replaces it and, if available, a copy of the passport of a citizen of Turkmenistan for departure from Turkmenistan and for arrival in Turkmenistan;

9) information about the owner of the Document according to the prescribed format;

10) Certificate on continuing to implement educational programmes adopted by the professional education institution of a foreign state through e-learning and distance education technologies due to the occurrence of circumstances beyond the control of the document owner (natural disaster, epidemic, pandemic and other similar situations).

12. When submitting the documents, the applicant must submit the original copies of the educational document (certificate of admission) and the appendix to the document (copy from exam-credit list), as well as his passport or another document that replaces it, and, if available, a passport of a citizen of Turkmenistan for departure from and return to Turkmenistan. The responsible receiving agent verifies that the copies of the documents coincide the originals.

If necessary, additional identifying information about the document holder's education and identity in a foreign country may be requested.

The owner of the document or the person applying on his behalf is personally responsible for the authenticity of the given documents.

13. Registration of accepted documents is carried out in accordance with the current procedure for registration of Documents received by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.


Chapter IV. Organizing and holding the State Examinations

14. In order to approve the documents, their owners pass the State Examinations on social studies and professional subjects of Turkmenistan in the prescribed manner.

When the document on the higher professional education given in foreign countries in the field of “Legal work” is recognized, the State Examinations on the subjects related to the profession are held in three stages by taking a test, writing a statement in the state language and passing an interview.

The State Examinations are organized and held in the higher and secondary vocational education institutions of Turkmenistan.

The State Examination board is established in accordance with the procedure specified in the Regulation on the State Examination boards in the higher and secondary vocational schools of Turkmenistan.

The State Examinations are held 4 times a year (in February, May, September and November) in the state language.

In the event that he/she receives an unsatisfactory grade on the State Examination, the person contesting the approval of his/her document in Turkmenistan may retake the State Examination by applying to the school that administered the examination during the next examination month. In this case, the relevant training school should give the applicant the opportunity to retake the State Examination. When resubmitting the State Examinations, the advisory training or additional paid training specified in paragraph 7 of the ninth part of this Guide is not retaken.

15. To prepare for the State Examinations, higher and secondary vocational schools of Turkmenistan organize the following courses:

1) Counseling training for preparation for the State Examination, including questions from the social studies of Turkmenistan;

2) advisory training for the preparation of the State Examination, which includes questions from subjects related to major (field of preparation).

16. Documents of those who entered higher and secondary vocational schools of foreign countries before December 31, 1992, regardless of the type of education, are approved without passing the State Examinations of Turkmenistan.

17. Those who have successfully passed the State Examinations of Turkmenistan or those who have been exempted from the exams in accordance with the sixteenth part of this Directory shall be issued a Certificate of Approval in the prescribed form by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

The approval certificate is valid in conjunction with the original document issued in a foreign country.

The rules of preparation, storage, registration, filling and delivery of the certificate to the owner of the document are determined in accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.


Chapter V. Determination of costs associated with the approval of educational documents

18. The costs associated with the approval of Documents issued in a foreign country include the costs of activities performed in accordance with this Directory.

The specified costs of citizen of Turkmenistan which has studied in a foreign country or sent to targeted education are paid by the Ministry of Turkmenistan, departmental management body, in accordance with the international agreements of Turkmenistan.

The amount of the payment is agreed with the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

19. The number of hours to be taught in the courses organized by the higher and secondary vocational schools of Turkmenistan, as well as the number of hours provided for the State Examinations, are calculated in accordance with the norms established for the higher and secondary vocational schools. Payments established for the work performed by higher and secondary vocational schools of Turkmenistan are transferred to the extra-budgetary account of those higher and secondary vocational schools or to the account of economic accounting centers (paid courses) attached to higher and secondary vocational schools.

In case of decision not to approve the document, the money paid will not be refunded.

After a positive decision is made that the document is approved in the territory of Turkmenistan, the Certificate of Approval and the amount of payment for the work performed are transferred to the extra-budgetary account of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.


Registered with the state registration number 1212

by the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan

on April 13, 2019

