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Documents of International Education system Regulations on the procedure for training foreign citizens in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan On the training of citizens of Turkmenistan in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of foreign countries

Regulations on the order of teaching the foreign citizens in  the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan


Approved by the decree # 12973 issued by the President of Turkmenistan on “the 19th” of April, 2013 

Regulations on the order of teaching the foreign citizens in  the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan

1. This Regulations coordinate the order of getting education by the foreign citizens in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan.

The rules of this Regulations also relate to the stateless persons in case if it is not stipulated by the legislation of Turkmenistan.    

2. In accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan the foreign citizens have the right to study in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan.  

The stateless representatives of the Turkmen nationality of Turkmenistan have the right to get education in the educational establishments of Turkmenistan in the conditions established for the citizens of Turkmenistan. 

3. Study of the foreign citizens in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan “On Education”, other laws of Turkmenistan, acts of the President of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, other normative legal acts and international agreements of Turkmenistan.  

4. Sending of the foreign citizens to the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan is carried out by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in the order established in accordance with the international agreements of Turkmenistan concluded with the foreign countries.  

Agreements concluded on training the specialists, retraining, their further training shall be approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and ministries and sectoral institutions which have educational establishments under their authority.

5. In accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan the rights and freedoms are guaranteed to the foreign citizens admitted to the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan, all necessary conditions are created for them to get education and to become highly qualified specialists on the directions chosen by them.    

The foreign students are provided with the appropriate hostels of the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan.

6. Study of the foreign students is carried out on the basis of the following:

- in accordance with the interstate, intergovernmental and inter-branch agreements of Turkmenistan concluded with the foreign countries on the unpaid basis (retraining and further training of the specialists);  

- in accordance with the agreements of the parties on the basis of reimbursing expenses on the study by the student (on the paid basis);

- at the expense of the individuals or legal persons, as well as at the expense of foreign state, social organizations and funds. 

7. Study of the foreign citizens in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan is carried out on the paid and unpaid basis. Amount of the payments for each academic year is approved by the Deputies Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan in accordance with the level of the appropriate higher and vocational educational establishments.  

8. The foreign citizens who have education corresponding to the general secondary education stipulated by the legislation of Turkmenistan and whose educational level meets requirements, who are under 25 years old are admitted to the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan.

9. Check of the educational level of the foreign citizens and their selection is carried out by the state selection committees of the appropriate educational establishments.  

10. The foreign citizens who want to enter the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan should submit their documents to the state selection committees of the appropriate educational establishments:

- Application, autobiography, original of the document on education with the indication of the studied subjects and marks (points) got in them and its translation into the state language confirmed in the established order;

- certificate of health approved by the health-care agency and issued by the health-care agency of the student’s country which confirms that the person doesn’t have disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and doesn’t suffer from the venereal diseases, drug addiction or other diseases that were included to list of the diseases injurious to health of population of Turkmenistan by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan (in case if the student left the territory of Turkmenistan and returned it, this certificate should be again submitted at the beginning of each academic year);

- questionnaire filled in the prescribed form;

- 12 4*6 cm photographs.   

11. The foreign students who doesn’t know Turkmen to the sufficient extent are admitted to the language training courses of the higher and vocational educational establishments. The term of study in the language training courses is one year. The foreign students who successfully passed final examinations on the language training are admitted to the first course of the appropriate educational establishment.  

12. The foreign students studying in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan do teaching practice in Turkmenistan and work practice in the country where they live permanently.

If the foreign students successfully passed the final state examinations, they are given the diploma in the state form confirming that he or she got appropriate occupational education (higher or vocational education) and approved by the seal of the appropriate educational establishment.

13. The foreign students studying in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan have the right:

- to participate in the research of the scientific circles and centers;

- to participate in the work of the sports club and departments, amateur talent groups.

14. The foreign students studying in the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan are obliged:

- to observe the Constitution of Turkmenistan, legislation of Turkmenistan, to respect national traditions and customs of the Turkmen people;   

- to keep the order of the arrival of foreign citizens, stateless persons to Turkmenistan, stay there and departure from Turkmenistan;

- to regularly and thoroughly study theoretical knowledge and practical skills in accordance with the specialty chosen by them;

- to observe the rules of study, to keep internal order of the students’ hostel and educational establishment, to fulfill requirements and instructions of the heads of the educational establishment.  

15. The foreign students are expelled from the educational establishment in the order established by the legislation of Turkmenistan and international agreements.   

16. The educational establishments are obliged to timely explain the foreign students their rights and duties stipulated by the legislation of Turkmenistan, to guarantee observance of the legislation of Turkmenistan by them, as well as to take measures on legalization of the documents related to their timely registration and stay, study in Turkmenistan, travel on the territory of the country, striking off the register after the completion of the determined term of staying in the country and leaving the territory of Turkmenistan.  


