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Normative Documents of Turkmenistan International Agreements on Cooperation in the Field of Education International Law Normative Documents Samples of State Educational Documents The State Educational Standards of Turkmenistan The State Classifications of Vocational Education of Turkmenistan

Agreement between the government of Turkmenistan and government of the Republic of Belorussia on recognition of documents of education, academic titles and academic names



between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of education

The Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Belarus, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
in development of the provisions of the Agreement between the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of education, signed in the city of Ashgabat on June 18, 2009,
Convinced that cooperation in the fields of secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education contributes to the deepening of ties and better mutual understanding between peoples,
desiring to develop and strengthen cooperation in the field of education between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Belarus,
agreed on the following:

Article 1

The parties will cooperate in the following areas:
exchange of experience in the most important areas of development of the education system;
training of students, students, graduate students, listeners (hereinafter referred to as students);
organization of advanced training, internships, retraining of teaching staff;
exchange of specialists for pedagogical activity;
opening and functioning in the territories of the states of the Parties of educational institutions, other organizations of the educational system in order to ensure the training of personnel in the framework of trade and economic cooperation.

Article 2

Turkmen students sent to the Republic of Belarus must, as a rule, be proficient in Russian, and Belarusian students sent to Turkmenistan must, as a rule, be proficient in Turkmen. If necessary, the Parties are ready to train the specified participants in the exchange of the Turkmen / Russian language on a paid basis for up to one year.

Article 3

During the period of this Agreement, the Parties annually until September 1 will exchange students on a parity basis at the expense of the budgets of the States of the Parties:
for obtaining secondary special / secondary vocational and higher education of the 1st stage / higher vocational education for up to 30 students;
for higher education (master's degree) II stage / master's degree up to 5 students;
for postgraduate education of the 1st stage (postgraduate study) / postgraduate study (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)), competition for the degree of candidate of sciences up to 5 students.
In order to improve pedagogical activity, the Parties annually send to educational institutions of the host country for advanced training, internships, retraining up to 5 teachers of educational institutions, other organizations of the educational system for a period of 1 to 24 months.
The parties exchange the necessary documents for organizing the training of students no later than April 15 of each year, and information on the results of their consideration - no later than August 15 of the current year.
The selection of candidates for education is carried out by the sending Party together with the receiving Party.
The list of educational institutions and other organizations of the educational system of the states of the Parties, the level (level) of education and the specialty (direction of specialty, specialization) in which training is carried out, as well as the list of students, the Parties shall specify through negotiations.

Article 4

The number of students sent by the Parties, the date of their arrival at educational institutions and other organizations of the education system of the States of the Parties specified in Article 3 of this Agreement are determined by the authorized bodies of both Parties and brought through diplomatic channels by September 1.

Article 5

The Host Party, in accordance with this Agreement, exempts the students specified in Article 3 of this Agreement from tuition fees, the use of educational publications, including teaching aids, information and analytical materials, and provides them with:
training in accordance with the requirements of educational standards in force in the state of education;
planned medical care in accordance with the legislation of the host state, and emergency and emergency medical care freely and free of charge.
Payment for accommodation in a hostel of an educational institution is carried out at the rates established by the legislation of Turkmenistan / the Republic of Belarus, which ensure full reimbursement of economically justified costs for the provision of these services to foreign citizens.

Article 6

The Parties, in accordance with the national legislations of the States of the Parties, send (accept) the required number of specialists for teaching activities to educational institutions, other organizations of the education system of the state of the other Party, according to its requests.

Article 7

The Parties will promote the establishment and development of cooperation between educational institutions, other organizations of the education system of both states, which, based on mutual interests, may conclude separate cooperation agreements in development of the provisions of this Agreement.

Article 8

In order to exchange experience, promote the implementation of the activities of this Agreement, the Parties will annually exchange delegations of leaders
and employees of the ministries of education of both states, scientific and pedagogical employees of educational institutions, other organizations of the education system.
The dates of such meetings will be agreed by the Parties through diplomatic channels.
Payment of transportation expenses of delegations to the destination and back, medical insurance, accommodation is carried out at the expense of sending organizations, institutions or other sources within the framework of the laws of the States of the Parties.
The host Party shall bear the costs of transportation and food during the stay of the delegation on the territory of its state in accordance with national legislation.

Article 9

To coordinate the implementation of the provisions of this
of the Agreement, the authorized bodies of the Parties are:
From Turkmenistan - the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan;
From the Republic of Belarus - the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
By mutual agreement of the Parties, this Agreement may be amended and supplemented, which are drawn up in protocols and are an integral part of this Agreement.

Article 10

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification of the completion by the Parties of the internal procedures necessary for its entry into force.

Article 11

This Agreement will be in effect for five years. After this period, it will be automatically extended for subsequent five-year periods, unless either Party notifies the other Party in writing of its intention to terminate it at least six months before the expiration of the next five-year period.
Done in the city of Minsk on April 27, 2012 in two original copies, each in the Turkmen and Russian languages, and all texts are equally authentic.
For the Government

For the Government
The Republic of Belarus

