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Regulations on state institutions of higher professional education


It was approved by 2487 decree
of the President of Turkmenistan

on October 22, 2021



on state institutions of higher professional education

Chapter  I. General rules

1. The Regulation on state institutions of higher professional education (from now - the Regulation) regulates the work of state institutions of higher professional education (from now - higher educational institutions).

2. In their work, higher educational institutions are guided by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan "About  Education", decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, decisions of the Chambers of the National Council of Turkmenistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, other normative legal documents of Turkmenistan, international agreements of Turkmenistan, this Regulation and their own Charter.

3. The main tasks of higher educational institutions are:

  1. thorough theoretical and practical training of highly qualified personnel in fields and specialities of economy of Turkmenistan;
  2.  satisfying the individual's needs for intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding professional education, scientific and pedagogical professional level;
  3. organizing and conducting fundamental and scientific-practical research, including research on educational issues;
  4. professional development and retraining of specialists and managers;
  5.  collecting, protecting and enriching the spiritual, moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of the society;
  6.  bringing up students in the spirit of high culture closely related to national history, traditions, and universal human values, as well as deep loyalty to the principles of state independence and neutrality, to the Motherland and President of Turkmenistan, to the Turkmen people.

4. Basic principles of work of higher educational institutions are:

1) to ensure equal rights of every person in the full realization of one’s abilities and talents;

2) to ensure that the education provided in higher educational institutions is of a humanistic nature, that the values ​​of humanity, human health, and the free development of the individual are put at the forefront and the free development of the individual;

3) to maintain a harmonious connection of the education provided in higher educational institutions with the history of Turkmenistan, the national culture and traditions of the Turkmen people;

4) to instill in students a sense of citizenship and patriotism, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the family, Motherland, and the natural environment;

5) to make all types of educational services provided in higher educational institutions available to everyone;

6) to achieve close relationship of the education provided in higher educational institutions with science and industry, as well as mutual connection with the educational systems of foreign countries;

7) to ensure the secular nature of higher educational institutions and their separation from religious organizations;

8) to ensure the democratic nature of pedagogical staff, and students to have the right to participate in the management of higher educational institutions;

9) to provide higher educational institutions with highly professional pedagogical staff.

5. In accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan on Education, the following types of higher educational institutions can be established:

1) a university being a higher educational institution:

a) implements higher and post-higher professional knowledge and professional development and retraining programmes of employees in various fields;

b) conducts the work of raising the professional level and retraining of highly-qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff;

c) performs basic and scientific-practical research in various fields of science;

d) is considered to be a leading scientific and methodological centre within its scope of work;

2) an academy being a higher educational institution:

a) implements educational programmes of higher and post-higher professional knowledge;

b) carries out work on training professional development, and retraining of highly qualified specialists on a specific field of science and scientific and pedagogical work;

c) carries out major scientific and practical research in a particular field of science or culture;

d) is considered to be a leading scientific and methodical centre in its field;

3) a conservatory being a higher educational institution:

a) implements programmes for higher professional education as well as post-higher professional education;

b) carries out work on training, retraining, and professional development of specialists on a specific field of the profession;

c) conducts fundamental and scientific-practical studies and research in a specific field of science or creativity;

d) is considered to be a leading scientific-technological centre in its field.

4) an institute being a higher educational institution:

a) implements higher professional education programmes, as well as post-higher professional education programmes; 

b) conducts training, retraining, and professional development of employees in a certain field of profession; 

c) conducts basic and scientific-practical studies and research. 

6. In accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", higher educational institutions according to their importance are divided into general state and regional educational institutions. 

7. Higher educational institutions of general state importance (a university, an academy, a conservatory) carry out the training of qualified personnel for the main branches of the economy of Turkmenistan and scientific institutions, which are responsible for their partial financing and material-technical equipment. 

Higher educational institutions of general state are based on the international leadership requirements for the quality of teaching, the quality of scientific research and incomes from scientific-research formulation, international level and international cooperation, financial stability and other requirements for international higher education institutions. 

Higher educational institutions (institutes) of regional importance train specialists in collective professions (pedagogical, economic, agricultural, communal economy and other professions) that are most needed in the regions of the country. 

8. The right of autonomy (legal status) may be granted to an internationally-led higher educational institution by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, which allows it to independently carry out education, scientific research, personnel, financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan and its Charter, in particular in the field of state financing, in the case of coordination with the state systems of reporting.

9. Institutions of higher education may also implement programmes of vocational-technical and secondary vocational education if they have the appropriate license. 

10. The structure of the higher educational institution includes departments in the branches of science and faculties in the fields of training specialists. 

Higher educational institutions may include branches, representative offices, scientific research departments, engineering departments, post-graduate, internship, residency, doctoral studies, components of additional professional education, extra-curricular and educational departments, preparatory departments and training centres, production and social support systems, clinical facilities, public housing, and other components. 

11. Branches and representative offices of the higher educational institution may act out of its location. 

12. Branches and representative offices of higher educational institutions are not legal entities. 

13. The branch performs all or a certain part of the functions of higher educational institutions. 

Management of the branch is carried out in accordance with the Charter of the higher educational institution and the regulations of the branch.

The representation protects and represents the interests of the higher educational institution, it does not carry out educational, scientific, economic and other activities independently.  The list of duties of the representation does not include the positions of scientific-pedagogical staff. 

The representation organizes and conducts activities to promote the excellence of the higher educational institution in education, science and culture.

Management of the representation is carried out in accordance with the Charter of the higher educational institution and the regulations of the representation.

14. Branches and representations of the higher educational institution are established and terminated in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

15. The educational activities of higher educational institutions arising from the humanistic nature of education and the priority of humanism and moral values, which are strongly connected with the history and culture of the Turkmen people, are implemented through the joint scientific-educational, industrial, social and other activities of students and personnel together

16. Creative-cultural centres and student sports clubs are created in higher educational institutions in order to ensure that students have a rest and are involved in public cultural, creative, sports and physical-health activities.  Their work is regulated by the regulations approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. 

Chapter II.  Admission to a higher educational institution

17. Higher educational institutions carry out educational programmes for the training of personnel of higher professional education on a two-level, as well as a one-level structure.

18. The first level of higher professional education (bachelor's programme), which is a two-level structure in which training is carried out in the fields of preparation, is defined as higher education that allows to carry out all types of professional work.

19. The second level of higher professional education (master’s programme), which is a two-level structure in which training is carried out, provides preparation for independently solving a number of professional and (or) management tasks, conducting various types of pedagogical work and conducting scientific research defined as higher education. 

20. Higher professional education, which is a structural component of  one-level of the training of employees (specialist programme), is defined as higher education that allows to carry out all types of professional, pedagogical, and research activities.

21. In higher educational institutions:

1) preparation of bachelor's and professional programmes of higher professional education is carried out on a basis not inferior to general secondary education;

2) preparation for master's programmes of higher professional education is carried out on a basis not inferior to higher education.

22. Vocational and Master's level higher professional education documents allow their holders to continue their studies in post-secondary educational programmes.

23. The document of higher professional education with Bachelor's professional education document will allow his holder to continue his studies in a Master's programme of higher professional education.

Graduates of Bachelor degree programme or professional programme who wish to continue their studies in the Master's degree programme are given the opportunity to continue their studies based on a certified copy of a document on higher professional education, without having two years of work experience, in accordance with the Regulation on the directing of graduates.

24. The study for residents who have permanent residence in Turkmenistan and non-residents will be carried out in the higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", national regulatory laws of Turkmenistan and international agreement.

25. Deadline for admission to higher educational institutions, places of entrance examinations, and schedule of admissions will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

26. During the period of entrance examinations and admissions to higher educational establishments a State Board will be formed for admission to the study approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

27. The deadlines for accepting the documents of applicants entering the higher educational institutions, the organization of the entrance examinations, the order of selection and admission to the higher educational institution, as well as other formalities for the admission to study, are provided by the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and is determined in accordance with the procedure approved by the appropriate Deputy.

28. The Complaints Review Group is formed during admission period. The composition, competence and work of the group are determined by the corresponding Vice President of Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan according to the rules.

29. Admission to higher educational institutions is carried out on the basis of the results of the entrance examinations according to the applicant's application. The conditions of the competition should ensure that the state guarantees the right of a person to get education and that those, who are able and willing to accept the appropriate programme of vocational education among the population are accepted.

30. After the selection to the higher educational institution at the expense of the State budget is completed, an agreement will be signed between the student, the higher educational institution, the relevant municipality, the ministry, and the departmental management body (in some cases, the agreement can be signed before the entrance examinations, based on the preliminary orders of the institutions and enterprises). The agreement sets out the obligations of the sides with respect to the following:

1) to ensure that higher educational institutions provide students with high-quality education;

2) after the completion of the higher educational institution, the student works according to the professional degree he received;

3) municipalities, ministries and branch administration offices are obliged to create favourable conditions for a student to have professional practice and provide him with work after successful graduation from a higher educational institution.

31. When students are admitted to study in professions and (or) areas of training that require certain creative abilities, physical and (or) mental qualities, the number of higher educational institutions along with the results of the entrance exams passed in general education courses,  has the right to take the additional creative and (or) vocational tests.

List of professional training directions (specialities) which will need additional creative and (or) speciality entrance examinations is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

The list of areas of training specialists in which additional creative and qualitative tests can be conducted is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

Study, including public service, and the list of additional examinations of higher educational institutions having access to information that constitutes state secrets and the criteria for them are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

32. Graduates awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals of general educational institutions of Turkmenistan are admitted to higher educational institutions in accordance with the following conditions:

1) gold medalists – without taking entrance examinations of higher educational institution in the speciality in case they win state (1st place) and international (winner) subject Olympiads;

2) silver medalists – who take state (1st or 2nd) and international (participant) of subject Olympiad  in case if they pass successfully (high grade or high score) one entrance exam in the field of preparation of higher educational institution;

3) bronze medalists – who take state (winner) and international (participant) subject Olympiad in case if they pass successfully (high grade or high score) two entrance exams in the field of preparation of higher educational institution.

33. The following applicants are automatically admitted to higher education institutions if successfully pass the entrance examinations:

1) orphans and children left under the guardianship of their parents or guardians;

2) children with disabilities, people with Group I and II disabilities who are allowed to study in the appropriate educational institutions based on the results of the team's work to determine the need for support;

3) children of conscripts and law enforcement officers of servicemen who died in the line of duty (employees);

4) graduates of comprehensive secondary schools awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals who have not fulfilled the conditions of the thirty-second part of this Regulation;

5) children from large families (at least eight children).

34. Those who successfully pass entrance examinations have preferential rights for admission to higher educational institutions:

1) winners of the state competitions on school subjects among the pupils, members of Turkmenistan team who participated in international competitions;

2) champions of Turkmenistan and winners of international sports competitions who enter training in educational institutions in the areas related to physical education and sports; 

3) winners of national and international creative contests enrolled in educational institutions in the creative fields of preparation;

4) people with Group III disabilities;

5) people who have passed military service on call; 

6) people with a working period of not less than two years in the field of the chosen training.

35. Admission to higher educational institutions from among the citizens of Turkmenistan living in sparsely populated, hard-to-reach and remote settlements can be carried out on the basis of targeted training.  In this case, the relevant ministries, departmental management bodies, local bodies of the executive power, enterprises and organizations of the non-state sector of the economy are the orderers of the targeted preparation.

Targeted training parties are a citizen of Turkmenistan and his parents or guardians, a contractor, a professional educational institution, and a local authority of the executive authority.

The copy of the contract is determined and approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. The following must be considered in the contract:

1) terms of study funding, including the scholarships;

 2) the obligation of a citizen of Turkmenistan to work in the relevant industry during the period specified in the contract after completing higher education;

 3) in case if the terms of the agreement, including the financial terms liability of the parties.

36. People who have a certificate of secondary vocational education can continue their studies in higher educational institutions in the relevant speciality (field of preparation) according to the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

37. People with a document of higher professional education may continue their studies at a higher educational institution on a shortened programme in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan to receive a second higher education in bachelor's programme or a professional programme in a relevant speciality (field of preparation).

38. The clothing and other indicators of the appearance of students in all higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan are prescribed by the Charters of higher educational institutions.

Chapter III.  Higher educational institution’s education work

39. The organization of educational work in higher educational institutions is coordinated with the relevant ministries, departmental management bodies and the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and approved by the relevant Vice President of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the training programmes on the areas (skills) based on the state educational standards for higher professional education, is regulated by the annual calendar curriculum and the schedule of training sessions.

40. Higher educational institutions use educational technologies, including technologies based on the interaction of students and pedagogical staff, e-learning, and distance education technologies when building educational activities.

 41. The implementation of the educational programme through e-learning is based on the following:

  1. information stored in the database and used in the implementation of educational programmes;
  2. information technologies and technical means that ensure data processing;
  3. information and communication systems that provide the necessary (required) interaction between students and teaching staff.

 When an e-learning programme is implemented, the higher educational institution shall ensure that students, teaching staff, teaching assistants and administrative staff have access to a set of e-learning methodologies, including:

 1) curriculum of the educational programme;

 2) learner’s self-study curriculum;

 3) curriculum of subjects (stages, modules, courses);

 4) a set of educational information that is available in electronic form and provides all types of activities in accordance with the curriculum of the subject (stage, module, course);

5) means to control the quality of information processing;

6) methodological advice to students on learning the curriculum of a subject (task, module, course).

42. Distance learning technologies are understood as tools that ensure the interaction of students and teaching staff through the use of information and telecommunication networks implementation of educational programmes and training.

When education programmes are implemented and training is organized using the distance learning technologies the higher educational institutions provide students with access to:

1) electronic training-methodological set;

2) information and communication technologies and information of telecommunications networks;

3) relevant technological means.

43. To get started to e-learning and distance learning in higher educational institutions using relevant technologies the presence of the following is obligatory:

1) electronic educational-methodological complexes for each educational programme of courses (assignments, modules, courses) and for all study programmes;

2) electronic library;

3) information and communication technologies;

4) information and telecommunication networks;

5) technological means.

44. According to higher specialized educational programmes (specialist and Bachelor’s degree programmes) full-time education (full-time, off-the-job training/education), during the day time (except work hours, without breaking away from manufacture) and part-time (in-service education) types of education are used in higher educational institutions.

45. Admissions for the full-time and part-time teaching programmes are carried out according to the citizen's education, job experience related to the field of training (profession) in the chosen institution where he has worked for a period of not less than two years and due to the availability of the recommendation letter from his employer's offer.

46. ​​Master's degree courses are usually held during the day.  Taking daytime correspondence education may be allowed in the following cases:

1) if the direction of preparation for the Bachelor's degree programme (major in vocational programme) and direction of the Master's degree coincide, and if the research (pedagogical, scientific) work was carried out in the same direction;

2) if, in order to work in accordance with Article 47 of the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", the basic courses based on the Master's degree programme in pedagogy are studied, which are necessary for educational purposes.

47. Training areas and specialities in Turkmenistan are defined by the State vocational classifier or the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan according to educational programmes of higher educational institutions.

48.  Higher educational institutions have the rights to educate legal entities and (or) individuals on the basis of a contract agreement and coverage of training costs in the following situations:

1) if students are accepted to study at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan to the relevant programmes of the higher educational institution;

2) upon enrollment of full-time or part-time form of education;

3) when being enrolled for getting secondary education in the related level of one's higher education;

4) when being enrolled in the specialist course not at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan;

5) upon admission to higher educational institutions on the basis of targeted training.

49. Education in higher educational institutions according to the following educational programmes, defined as obtaining a second higher education:

1) a student of a Bachelor's degree programme or specialized programmes, who has a Bachelor's, Specialist's or Master's degree;

2) people studying under Master's degree programmes with a specialist's diploma or a Master's degree.

50. Everyone has the right to paid educational services for the population, enterprises, institutions and organizations if they have the appropriate higher education in the field.

51. Income based on paid services specified in the forty-eighth part of the above Regulations of higher educational institutions used by them for certain purposes.

Paid education services are not provided instead of the educational work funded from the State Budget of Turkmenistan. The money received as a result of violation of the law is transferred to the account of the State Budget of Turkmenistan.

52. The academic year in higher educational institutions begins on September 1. The academic year consists of two semesters, each of which ends with the corresponding examinations in a specific area of the vocational training program.

53. The standard measurement period for educational programmes of higher educational institutions:

1) bachelor's degree programme - four academic years;

2) master's degree programme - one or two academic years;

3) specialized programme - five or six academic years.

The exact duration of the training depends on the curricula approved by the respective Vice-Chancellors of the Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

54. During the academic year students are granted vacations with a total duration of at least 40 days. Vacation periods are defined by the duration of the relevant field of professional training, depending on the speciality and it is defined in the curriculum.

55. The Languages ​​of teaching in higher educational institutions are defined in the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education" and in other normative acts.

56. Being the State language, the Turkmen language is the main language of teaching and education in higher educational institutions. Based on the purpose of the educational programmes and the specifics of the study, a foreign language(s) can be used as the main language of instruction in higher educational institutions in accordance with the curriculum.

57. The study of foreign languages ​​is included as a compulsory subject in the programmes of higher professional education.

58. In higher education institutions where the main language of instruction is the corresponding foreign language(s), the State language of Turkmenistan is used in teaching subjects included in the national part of the educational programme determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

59. In order to properly improve the knowledge of the state language or the corresponding foreign language necessary for conducting studies with students admitted to the university, language preparation courses can be organized during one academic year. Obtaining a passing score for these courses allows students to continue their studies in the educational programmes of their choice.

60. Educational work in higher educational institutions is carried out in such forms as general study (lecture), practical study, discussion study, practice study, testing, independent work, educational practice, preparation of course papers and projects, as well as diploma (qualification), written works (diploma paper, diploma project). A higher education institution may also introduce other types of courses.

61. The curriculum of higher educational institutions should take into account sufficient break time for students to eat. The exact duration of lessons and breaks is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

63. Medical care for students of higher educational institutions is provided by health care institutions. The higher educational institution is obliged to provide health care workers with a room with appropriate conditions for their work.

64. The main goal of educating students in higher educational institutions is to form the most important civic qualities in the younger generation and the ability to develop them in creative activity in the interests of a person, society and the state.

65. The main directions of students’ education are:

1) spiritual and moral education;

2) civic education;

3) military-patriotic discipline;

4) lifestyle;

5) cultural and historical education;

6) healthy lifestyle education.

66. When educating students pedagogical staff is obliged to:

1) practice mentoring at a professional level;

2) carry out preventive measures among students;

3) inform parents or their guardians about violations committed by students promptly;

4) respect the honor and dignity of students, parents or guardians;

5) educate students spiritually, morally and aesthetically.

67. The staff of the pedagogical faculty have the following rights in the implementation of mentoring:

1) to protect their rights, legitimate interests, reputation and dignity;

2) creative initiatives, free choice of pedagogically sound forms and methods of teaching.

1) bachelors degree, indicating the field of study (undergraduate programme);

2) master's degree (master's programme), indicating the field of study;

3) specialist indicating the speciality (specialized programme)

68. The quality of mastering educational programmes of higher education is determined by passing the intermediate summation (mid-term test) of students' readiness to study, winter and summer certification, as well as passing the final state examinations.

69. Higher educational institution uses the assessment system developed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the types of student tests during the academic year.

70. For Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in higher professional education, a system of accounting units (credit system) is used, and for vocational education programmes, an hourly system is used, if necessary, it is transferred to a system of accounting units (credit system).

71. Final state examinations are mandatory in the system of higher education and are held after the full development of the curriculum. In accordance with the regulations approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan on the conduct of the final state examination in higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, the result of the State Examination Commission is used as a final assessment of the education of those who have completed higher education.

72. Higher educational institutions provide graduates who have successfully passed the final state examinations with state-level documents certifying that they have received the relevant education and certified with a seal, as well as badges of completion of higher educational institutions.

73. The issuance of a document on education to graduates of pedagogical higher educational institutions is due to the successful completion of a probationary period, during which young specialists undergo a professional admission programme and within it, with the help of mentors from among experienced teaching staff, they acquire knowledge and skills during their initial (structural) training they strengthen.

74. Graduates of higher professional education programmes who have successfully completed their studies are awarded the following professional degrees:

1) bachelor’s degree indicating the direction of education (Bachelor’s degree programme);

2) master’s degree indicating the direction of education; (Master’s degree programme);

3) specialist indicating the direction of education (specialized programme)

75. There is no fee for issuing educational documents.

76. Education documents are issued in the State language of Turkmenistan or in the State language of Turkmenistan and a foreign language in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

77. Those who have not completed a certain level of education, did not participate in the final state examination, or showed unsatisfactory results in the final state examination, are issued a certificate of study at a higher educational established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

Those who did not participate in the final state examinations or the final certification, or those who showed unsatisfactory results in state tests, final state examinations, have the right to retake the examination after at least a year.

78. A graduate of a higher educational institution and a student who leaves without graduating from a higher educational institution, a document on his education submitted at admission to study from his personal portfolio is returned. A certified copy of the document and other documents (a copy of the order of admission, graduation or expulsion from the study, report card, student ID, etc.) remain for storage in a personal folder.

Chapter IV. Higher educational institution’s scientific research work

79. Scientific and pedagogical workers, readers with the help of scientific research and creative work, the development of science, the training of highly professional scientific and pedagogical personnel is part of the main mission of the higher educational institution.

80. The following conditions can be created in higher educational institutions:

1) scientific organizations in the field of scientific work and fundamental and practical research in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On Scientific institutions”;

2) subjects of innovation infrastructures in order to support and serve innovation work in accordance with the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Innovation” and "Scientific and technological parks";

3) scientific and scientific-pedagogical schools for the purpose of forming and developing the country's scientific potential/ in order to form and develop the scientific potential of the country;

4) scientific, pedagogical, medical, cultural, industrial and other institutions named after departments, other educational structures.

The main scientific and pedagogical staff work in the mentioned structures is to involve students, young scientists and teachers into scientific research and putting  innovative methods into practice.

81. Scientific research conducted by a higher educational institution is funded by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan or the relevant ministry, departmental management institution.

82. Scientific or scientific-technical work of a higher educational institution can also be carried out at the expense of grants.

Chapter V. Management of a higher educational institution

83.Higher educational institutions are autonomous in their educational activities and are responsible for each of their activities to the student, the state, and society.

84. Management of a higher educational institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan on the basis of this Regulation and the Charter of the higher educational institution.

85. When admitting a citizen to a higher educational institution, he or his parents or persons replacing them are obliged to familiarize themselves with the charter of the educational institution, documents authorizing him to conduct educational work and issue a state-issued document on the relevant education issued by this educational institution, with implemented educational programmes and other documents regulating the organization of educational work, including through the official website of the educational institution.

86. The Management of a higher educational institution is carried out directly by the rector. The rector and vice-rectors of the higher educational institution are proposed by the masters, the respected employees, usually professors with a doctorate degree, and appointed and dismissed by the President of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, rector determines the duties and responsibilities of the employees of a higher educational institution.

87. Collective management of the higher educational institution is carried out by the Council of Scientists. The Council of Scientists acts in accordance with the partial regulations approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan based on the basis of the agreement with the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. The members of the Scientific Council are elected for a term of 5 years and are approved by the order of the rector of the higher educational institution. In (the) case of resignation of a member of the Council of Scientists, he is removed from the staff of the Council (if necessary, members with academic degrees and scientific titles may remain in the staff of the Council).

In case of resignation of a member of the Council of Scientists, he is removed from the staff of the Council (if necessary, members with academic degrees and scientific titles may remain in the staff of the Council).

88. The faculty is headed by a dean. He is elected among the masters, respected employees of the higher educational institution, usually the professor-teachers with a doctorate degree approved in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the rector of the higher educational institution, the heads of the military and law enforcement bodies within those higher educational institutions.

89. The head of the department conducts the work of the department. He is elected from among (the) masters and respected employees of the higher educational institution, usually from the professor-teachers who have a doctorate or a doctoral degree in the same field, and in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the rector of the higher educational institution, the heads of the military and law enforcement agencies in the higher educational institutions are appointed by the administration of those institutions.

 Chapter VI. Studying and working in a higher educational institution

90. Students in higher educational institutions include students, postgraduates, trainees and others.

According to the order of the rector of the higher educational institution, a person admitted to study in educational programs of higher vocational education is considered a student, a person admitted to study under educational programmes of postgraduate education is considered a graduate student, a person admitted to study under educational programmes of advanced training and retraining of employees is considered a student.

The student is issued with a student certificate and a passbook.

A student receives a higher professional education in the chosen speciality (profession, field of study) in accordance with the educational programme of the higher educational institution.

The rights, obligations and social support of a student are determined by the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", this Regulation and the Charter of higher educational institutions.

91. Students enrolled at the expense of the state budget of Turkmenistan are provided with scholarships, including scholarships awarded by public associations and charitable organizations.

92. Education and training of orphans and children left under the guardianship of their parents or guardians until they reach the age of 24 are carried out on the basis of full state support.

93. In accordance with the conditions set forth in the regulations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, students of higher educational institutions should be allowed to obtain (academic) permission, to switch to a different profession (direction of training) within the higher educational institution, as well as to another higher educational institution, to reinstate students who were previously expelled from the list of students.

94. Students studying at higher educational institutions are provided with accommodation in dormitories in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

Registration of citizens studying at educational institutions who temporarily went to study at educational institutions for more than 45 (forty-five) calendar days without leaving their place of residence, is carried out within 5 (five) working days from the date of issuance of the relevant order on their admission to the educational institution when the authorized representative appeals to the governorship. Students are enrolled until completion of the course.

95. The positions of professors-teachers, researchers, scientific and pedagogical staff, engineering and technical, administrative and economic, production, (teaching-) assistant and other staff are taken into account in the higher educational institution. The faculty members include the dean of the faculty, the head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, instructor, trainee and assistant.

96. Teaching staff is obliged to undergo periodic and extra-ordinary medical examinations at the expense of the employer during their employment.

97. Educators of higher educational institutions with academic degrees and (or) academic titles are also defined as scientific and pedagogical staff. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher educational institution enjoys the rights and performs the duties in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

98. In order to implement vocational education programmes in higher educational institutions, the following minimum levels of professional qualifications of teaching staff are established:

a master's degree or a specialist's diploma in the relevant field of study (profession), issued by a pedagogical (and pedagogical) higher educational institution (faculty). If the diploma does not specify a pedagogical qualification, its holder undergoes additional pedagogical training at a pedagogical university (faculty).

99. The rights and obligations of administrative, engineering, technical, production, teaching assistants and other employees of the higher educational institution are determined by the labour legislation of Turkmenistan, the Charter of the higher educational institution, internal regulations and duties.

100. Labour and socio-economic relations in the higher educational institution are carried out in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Chapter VII. Training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific staff and professional development of scientific-pedagogical staff

101. The training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel is carried out in post-graduate, master's and doctoral studies, as well as in the competition for the degree of candidate of sciences, established in higher educational institutions or scientific institutes.

102. Internship and (or) clinical internship programmes, postgraduate professional education in educational institutions and scientific institutions that carry out medical or pharmaceutical work in the field of training highly qualified medical specialists, as well as the constituent structures of medical educational institutions and scientific institutions can be taken in medical institutions, as well as in organizations that engaged in the production of medicinal products, production and storage of medical devices, pharmacies and other organizations that carrying out activities related to the protection of the health of citizens of Turkmenistan.

Internship and (or) clinical internship programme is carried out for graduates of medical higher educational institution on a budget basis - at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan, and for graduates studying on a fee basis - at the expense of private funds.

103. Academic degrees are obtained in such forms as the organization of professional training and advanced training of candidates in the institutions specified in part one hundred and one of these Regulations, and their attachment to these institutions, the transfer of lecturers to the position of researchers for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation and the provision of creative permission for summing up.

104. Vocational education after getting higher education is carried out on the basis of higher vocational education (master's diploma, specialist's diploma).

105. The Higher Educational institution admits to postgraduate and doctoral studies in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

106. The rights and obligations of postgraduate students, doctoral students and candidates for the degree of  doctor of sciences are determined in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

107. Professional development of employees of higher educational institutions and their retraining at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan, as well as on a contractual basis, if there is an appropriate license in the field of education and professional training of employees, in educational institutions, scientific institutions and industry, other organizations of all industries, training can be implemented in the form of training determined by the requirements of training programmes of professional development and retraining of employees. This is also carried out through professional training abroad, preparation and defence of a dissertation, participation in workshops and consultations, and other forms of professional development.

108. Professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions is financed from the State budget of Turkmenistan, and it can be financed from the funds of individuals or legal entities on the basis of agreements with higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and organizations.

Chapter VIII. Higher education funding

109. Financing of higher educational institutions is based on the number of students, taking into account the content of educational programmes, teaching technologies, types of education, special conditions for students with disabilities due to health reasons, ensuring safe conditions for teaching and upbringing, protecting the life and health of students. Funding is done on the basis of standardized criteria, depending on the type of higher educational institution.

110. The sources of funding for the work of higher educational institutions are as follows:

1) funds of the State budget of Turkmenistan;

2) private resources of citizens;

3) resources of ministries, departmental management bodies, state enterprises and organizations acting on the basis of economic accounting;

4) resources of enterprises and organizations of the non-state part of the economy;

5) resources of ministries, departmental management bodies, state-owned enterprises and organizations, as well as enterprises and organizations of the non-state sector of the economy, working on the basis of economic accounting for targeted training of citizens living in sparsely populated, hard-to-reach and remote areas.

111. In order to carry out their work, higher educational institutions, in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, provide paid additional education and other services provided for in the charter of the educational institution, by admission to training in educational programmes on a paid basis, as well as in Turkmenistan and (or) abroad. States have the right to raise funds through voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities.

The raising of additional funds by the higher education institution does not reduce the standard criteria for funding from the founder.

112. The material base of higher educational institutions consists of land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, means of transport, consumer, living, cultural and other purpose assets used for teaching, educating and solving other problems of the educational system.

113. Citizens studying at higher educational institutions in Turkmenistan are provided with state support in the form of educational credits.

A higher educational institution can independently provide life support to students in need within the limits of available extrabudgetary funds.

114. State property assigned to a higher educational institution may be leased in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Funds received as rent are used to support and develop educational and scientific activities of higher educational institutions.

115. Educational, industrial, residential and cultural buildings under the project management or under the control of higher educational institutions and facilities of industrial and residential infrastructures and dormitories, including residential buildings, as well as clinical bases of medical educational institutions cannot be privatized (from state ownership).

116. The reduction of the financial base of the higher educational institution or intentional deterioration of its condition entails liability in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

117. Higher educational institutions spend budget funds and funds from other funding sources in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

118. Higher educational institutions provide reporting and maintain statistics and accounting in accordance with the established procedure.

Chapter IX. International cooperation of a higher educational institution

119. In accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan and international agreements of Turkmenistan, higher educational institutions have the right to conduct international cooperation in the field of higher, postgraduate education, scientific or research, pedagogical and other educational activities.

120. In accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", other normative legal acts of Turkmenistan and international agreements, the education of citizens of foreign countries at higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, as well as of citizens of Turkmenistan at higher educational institutions of foreign countries, are carried out by legal entities and individuals under contracts concluded directly with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

Chapter X. Final regulations

121. Higher educational institutions, including all types of higher educational institutions that implement educational programmes for training personnel for military and law enforcement agencies, are created, reorganized and abolished by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

122. The higher educational institution is a legal entity, it has a separate property, a seal with the image of the national flag of Turkmenistan and its name written on it, stamps, letterheads, as well as settlement accounts in the banks of Turkmenistan.

