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Regulations on state general educational institutions


Approved by the Decree of
the President of Turkmenistan
number 1158 dated March 01, 2019


on state educational institutions

  1. This Regulation is an organization of all types of public educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as general secondary schools) that are part of the state system of continuing education in Turkmenistan and implement a unified national program of general secondary education and provide education for children based on the principles of state policy in the field of education and governs how they work.
  1. Secondary schools are guided by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Parlainment (Mejlis) of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, other normative legal acts of Turkmenistan, international treaties of Turkmenistan, these Regulations and charter.
  1. Charters of general secondary schools are drawn up on the basis of these Regulations.
  1. Major functions of secondary schools:
  1. guarantee of the opportunity to receive education, regardless of nationality, skin color, gender, origin, property status and occupation, place of residence, language, religion, political opinions and other circumstances, as well as age and health status;
  2. ensuring the practical implementation of the program instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to improve the quality and content of educational work in educational institutions;
  3. education of high culture and moral qualities in students, organization of educational work in strict harmony with the national educational traditions of the Turkmen people and the spiritual values of mankind, modern methods and types of education;
  4. to form in students noble ideas about patriotism, independence and neutrality of Turkmenistan, feelings of loyalty to their people, Motherland and the President of Turkmenistan;
  5. organization of educational work based on the achievements of modern advanced world pedagogical science and methodology, using the best examples of the national traditions of the Turkmen people;
  6. assistance to students in exercising their right to freely express their thoughts and opinions;
  7. the formation of a general and professional culture among students that corresponds to the world level;
  8. preparation of students to continue their education in secondary and higher professional educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries;
  9. identification of naturally gifted and more capable students by holding various competitions, reviews and competitions among students;
  10. teaching students basic labor skills and orienting them to professions.
  1. According to the tasks assigned to general secondary schools:
  1. organization of activities at a high level, using the achievements of the modern world's leading pedagogical science and methodology in providing education and training for students;
  2. creating the necessary conditions for students to receive a deep education and perfect upbringing, healthy physical and spiritual growth;
  3. instilling in the minds of students the role of the glorious history and national culture of the Turkmen people in the formation of universal values and their preservation, the formation of a sense of loyalty to the Motherland, the people and the President of Turkmenistan;
  4. organization of teaching students foreign languages, in accordance with the curriculum;
  5. regular organization of various competitions, artistic and creative and sports and recreational activities to identify and develop natural talents, abilities, personal qualities of students;
  6. orientation of students to professions, teaching them basic labor skills and the ability to use advanced modern technologies that are widely used in life;
  7. preparation of students to continue their education in secondary and higher professional educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries, in accordance with the curricula;
  8. performance of other tasks within the scope of their duties.
  1. The head and the teaching staff of the school are responsible to the state, parents and society for the quality of education and upbringing, the organization of education and the choice of teaching methods, taking into account the age characteristics and health of children.
  1. The languages of instruction and education in general secondary schools of Turkmenistan are determined in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan. The Turkmen language, as the state language, is the main language of instruction and education in all secondary schools.

The state contributes to the acquisition of foreign languages by the citizens of Turkmenistan in all secondary schools.

  1. General secondary education, including the stages of primary, basic and general secondary education, is aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual, forming a common culture, adapting to life in society, creating conditions for a thoughtful choice of vocational education programs.

General secondary education is compulsory and everyone has the right to receive it free of charge in state educational institutions.

  1. Educational work in secondary schools is carried out in accordance with the main curricula approved by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, which determine the content of education, on the basis of curricula approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, as well as curricula and class schedules approved by the school principal.

The daily life of education in general education schools includes, in particular, correspondence and distance learning technologies, including distance learning technologies implemented using information and telecommunication systems for the interaction of students and the teaching staff, as well as using e-learning based on the integrated use of information and telecommunication systems.

The external form of education is intended for citizens who have not completed the last six grades of secondary school, having not mastered the general education programs on time.

  1. Standard duration of general education programs (including primary, basic and general secondary education) is twelve years. General education programs must be completed on a full-time basis. In special cases, citizens who could not finish high school during the daytime for certain valid reasons, taking into account their needs and abilities, can finish high school as an external student only on the basis of general education programs of general education secondary schools. Uniform state educational standards apply to all aspects of education within the framework of general education programs.
  1. Educational institutions implementing general educational programs, depending on the conditions of activity, may be of the following types:
  1. general education secondary schools;
  2. primary schools;
  3. specialized lyceums, boarding schools for gifted children, where various areas are taught in depth (natural, exact, humanitarian and other subjects, culture, sports, military and other areas), schools designed for their residence and education in the building);
  4. boarding schools to ensure regular education of children living in settlements remote from regional and district centers;
  5. secondary schools for those serving sentences in specialized institutions;
  6. general education schools for children in need of long-term treatment;
  7. treatment of children with mental and physical disabilities (blind and visually impaired, deaf and hearing impaired, mentally retarded, etc.), special schools and boarding schools providing primary, general secondary education with a combination of correctional and educational activities;
  8. orphanages for orphans and children left under the care of parents or persons replacing them, as well as other types of educational institutions implementing general education programs.
  1. Depending on the age characteristics of students in general education schools and educational programs, classes are divided into the following types:
  1. primary grades (grades 1-4, depending on the primary education program);
  2. middle classes (grades 5-10 study according to the program of basic secondary education);
  3. senior classes (grades 11-12 study according to the program of general secondary education).
  1. In general education schools, all the necessary conditions are created for carrying out cultural, social and physical culture and recreational work.
  1. The secondary school keeps a personal account of the results of mastering educational programs by high school students in subjects, and also stores the results in archives, on paper and (or) electronic media in the manner established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
  1. The number of classes in general education schools is determined in agreement with the regional and city departments of education. According to the normative legal acts of Turkmenistan, the average number of full classes in general education schools should be 25 students. It is allowed to open parallel classes if the number of students is more than 30 in the primary grades and 34 in the middle and senior grades. The procedure for opening classes with a term of study of more than one year is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
  1. Children who turn 6 years old in the year of entering the first grade, as well as children who did not enter school on time for various reasons, are admitted to the first grade.
  1. Children who are not enrolled in school on time, including orphans sent to appropriate orphanages and children left under the care of parents or persons replacing them, taking into account their abilities, if they are given the opportunity to further adjust educational programs to age classes , as well as special learning ability, taking into account the needs and abilities of students in all school subjects, at the end of the school year, in accordance with the decision of the pedagogical council, they can be transferred one grade higher (they can graduate from school after mastering the curriculum and successfully passing final state exams).
  1. The academic year begins on September 1 and is divided into four quarters, the duration of each of which is determined by the curriculum. The duration of the academic year is at least 34 weeks, and vacations are appointed according to the curriculum (autumn - 8 days; winter - 13 days; spring - 9 days; summer - at least 8 weeks). The schools have a 6-day school week, the duration of the lessons should be 35 minutes for first graders and 45 minutes for the rest of the classes.
  1. School administrations, teachers and medical staff are required to monitor students' compliance with hygiene and safety rules.
  1. Classes in general education schools should be held only in one shift. In the event that school buildings do not meet the condition of conducting classes in one shift, in accordance with the construction and sanitary rules, lessons can be held in two shifts, but students of primary and secondary grades must study in the first half of the day.
  1. In secondary schools, students who complete primary education and basic secondary education take final exams and are promoted to the next level of secondary education. The implementation of general secondary education programs ends with the passing of mandatory final state exams by students. Graduates who have successfully passed the final state exams are issued a certificate of general secondary education of the state standard, which is certified by the signature and seal of the director of the corresponding general education school, which is a guarantee that they receive a general secondary education.

Depending on the type of school for children with mental and physical disabilities, children who graduate from them receive a certificate of primary or general secondary education.

The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan determines methods for monitoring, recording and evaluating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in general education schools.

  1. In a secondary school, the criteria for assessing students, the types, procedure and sequence of intermediate assessment developed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan are applied. Students with positive cumulative marks in all subjects are promoted from class to class.
  1. Persons who have not graduated from high school and did not participate in the final state examinations or who receive unsatisfactory marks in the final state examinations shall be issued a certificate of study at an educational institution.

Persons who did not take part in the final state exams or who received unsatisfactory marks in the final state exams have the right to retake the final state exams after a period of at least one year.

The certificate issued to those who have not completed the last six years of secondary school is the basis for their continuation of the secondary education program as an external student.

  1. The expulsion of a student from a general education school upon reaching the age of 16 may be made if the educational measures were not successful and the student’s further stay in this general education school has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees and interferes with normal functioning of the educational institution.

The decision to expel a student from a general education school is made by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan with the consent of the Committee on Juvenile Affairs, which takes into account the opinion of his parents or persons replacing them and determines measures for his employment and continuation of general secondary education.

The decision to exclude orphans and children left under the care of parents or persons replacing them, in addition to continuing their general secondary education in another way, measures for their further vocational training and employment, guardianship and taken with the consent of the guardianship authority.

  1. Mentally healthy, but physically handicapped children (children with movement disorders, etc.) are given the opportunity to receive secondary education in special educational institutions or at home, in accordance with special curricula and educational programs.
  1. The student may be exempted from secondary (after grades 4 and 10) and final exams based on the conclusion of the medical advisory commission for illness. A student who falls ill during the exam, after recovery, takes the exam in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
  1. It is forbidden to involve students in work not provided for by the educational program, without the consent of their parents or their substitutes and themselves.
  1. It is not allowed to force students to join public, socio-political associations, movements and parties, as well as to force them to participate in the work of these organizations and propaganda activities, as well as political actions.
  1. In the presence of an appropriate license as additional (including paid) educational services, general educational institutions that implement educational programs of general secondary education can carry out vocational training for students under contracts with enterprises, institutions and organizations. Vocational training is conducted only with the consent of the trainees and their parents or guardians.
  1. The secondary school prepares a team of gifted students to participate in olympiads, competitions and other events organized by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, regional, city departments and departments of education of regional legislation.
  1. The educational institution ensures strict observance of the rights of children in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan when interacting with students. Discipline in general education schools is maintained on the basis of mutual respect for human dignity by the teaching staff and students. Students are not allowed to use physical force or psychological violence.
  1. The management of a general education school is carried out on the principles of sole leadership and a collegiate council.
  1. Management of a general education school is carried out directly by the director, on the principles of unity of command.
  1. A person who has a higher pedagogical education and at least 5 years of teaching experience may be appointed to the position of director of a general education school. Directors are appointed and dismissed by the heads of regional and city education departments, or by the relevant ministries and departmental management bodies, in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the relevant authorities.
  1. High School Principal:
  1. bears personal responsibility to the state, parents and society for the quality of education, improvement of educational activities, creation of necessary conditions for study, work and rest of students, protection of their life and health;
  2. organizes educational work and controls its progress and results, is responsible for the quality and efficiency of the work of the educational institution;
  3. creates the necessary conditions for the organization of extracurricular activities;
  4. elects his deputies and other teachers, represents them to the regional, city and district departments of education for hiring and dismissal;
  5. hires and dismisses secondary school service personnel;
  6. creates conditions for the creative development of teachers of secondary schools, the introduction of advanced forms and methods of teaching and education;
  7. represents the interests of the school in enterprises, institutions and organizations;
  8. takes personal responsibility for the implementation in full of the main curriculum, approved by the relevant Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, for the financial and economic activities of the school, carried out in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.
  1. The management of the work of a general education school on the principles of collegiate consulting is carried out through the pedagogical council established at the school. The head of the school is the chairman of the pedagogical council. The meeting of the pedagogical council is held at least 6 times a year. The decisions of the pedagogical council are subject to execution by the school administration, pedagogical and other staff. High school staff work in accordance with the school's approved work schedule for the school year.
  1. The list of positions of employees of general education schools is approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Turkmenistan.
  1. Persons with a pedagogical qualification have the right to teach in secondary schools. Only in cases of shortage of qualified teachers, temporary employment of citizens with other relevant professional qualifications related to teaching activities is allowed until qualified teachers are provided.

Persons who, based on the results of a medical consultation and on the basis of a medical opinion, were denied teaching activities, or who were convicted by a court for committing a crime, as well as those who were suspended from classes for crimes of medium gravity, grave and especially grave crimes, are not allowed to teach in educational institutions.

  1. In order to improve the work of teachers, improve their professional level, determine their professional level and set wages, pedagogical workers undergo professional expertise.

Professional examination of teaching staff is carried out at least once every five years. The terms are determined by the Ministry of Education in agreement with the relevant Deputy Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

  1. Labor relations between employees and employers are governed by the labor legislation of Turkmenistan.
  1. The workload of the teaching staff is determined in accordance with the weekly workload determined by the legislation of Turkmenistan, based on the number of hours allocated for training, according to the approved curriculum for each academic year.
  1. Teachers:
  1. to freely choose the methodology of teaching and learning, teaching aids within the framework of approved programs;
  2. to have the right to continuously improve their professional qualifications and, at their own discretion, take a professional examination to obtain an appropriate professional qualification.


  1. to respect the honor and dignity of students, their parents or persons replacing them, as well as colleagues;
  2. to comply with the internal regulations of the educational institution;
  3. to ensure the implementation of approved training programs;
  4. to provide students with an in-depth education on a scientific basis, develop their curiosity and talent, take care of their health, be interested in living conditions;
  5. obliged to show a high example of humanity and competence, worthy of the honorary title of teacher, to take care of the aesthetic harmony of their appearance.
  1. Students:
  1. to receive education in accordance with state educational standards, use additional (including paid) educational services, as well as use textbooks free of charge in state educational institutions;
  2. have the right to defend their personal opinion and protection from all forms of physical and mental violence.


  1. to study conscientiously, to comply with the internal regulations of the school and the rules of social life corresponding to the student;
  2. to protect and respect the dignity and reputation of students and employees of the educational institution;
  3. required to wear a school uniform of the established sample on the territory of the secondary school.
  1. Parents or persons replacing them have the right to choose the types of education, educational institution, to protect the legal rights and interests of the child, to participate in the activities of the educational institution until their children receive general secondary education.
  1. Parents or guardians:
  1. to educate their children, take care of their health, development, education, prepare them for work, educate them in a culture of respect for laws, historical and national traditions, as well as the values of mankind;
  2. to ensure that their children receive compulsory general secondary education;
  3. to comply with the requirements of the charter of the educational institution;
  4. obliged to provide their children with standard school uniforms.

Parents or persons replacing them are responsible for the upbringing and education of their children, in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

  1. For students of general secondary schools, conditions are created to ensure the safety of their lives and the promotion of health.
  1. ​​ Medical care for students of general education schools is provided by health care institutions. The administration of a general education school is obliged to provide medical workers with a working room with appropriate conditions.
  1. The schedule of classes in general education schools should provide for a sufficient number of continuous breaks for students to eat. Special facilities should be provided for meals for students.
  1. Teachers of general education schools undertake to undergo a medical examination at the expense of the employer once a year, upon employment and before the start of the academic year.
  1. Secondary schools are financed from the State budget of Turkmenistan. Additional paid educational services of general education schools and other services provided for by the Regulations, as well as voluntary donations of legal entities and (or) individuals of Turkmenistan and legal entities and (or) individuals of foreign states. Educational institutions have the right to raise additional funds through earmarked contributions.

At the same time, when attracting additional funds, it is not allowed to reduce the norms and (or) the amount of funding from the State budget.

  1. Financing of general education schools is carried out on the basis of the accepted norms for financing general education schools, which are based on the number of students studying in them. It should also take into account the cost of medical supervision of teaching staff in public schools.

    Standard funding criteria for general education schools classified as small institutions in villages and similar institutions, which are determined based on their distance from other general education institutions and (or) the number of students.
  2. The material base of general education schools are buildings, premises, equipment, transport, consumer, household, cultural and community and other assets used for training, education and solving other problems of the education system.

Accounting and financial reporting for the work of general education schools belonging to the regional and city departments of education are mainly carried out by centralized accounting departments.

In special cases, secondary schools may maintain independent accounting and financial records. Accounting and financial reporting on the activities of general education schools is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

  1. Secondary general education schools are created, reorganized and abolished by the heads of administrations, ministries and departmental authorities of the regions and the city of Ashgabat, in accordance with the law and in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

    Secondary schools of specialized areas (cultural, sports, military, for children with learning difficulties and other areas) that implement the general secondary education program are created, reorganized and liquidated by the relevant ministries and departmental authorities in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. For the opening of general education schools, it is necessary that the buildings in which they will be located comply with accepted standards of construction, hygiene and equipment.
  2. The secondary school is a legal entity and has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of Turkmenistan and its name.

