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Regulations on state institutions of secondary vocational education


Approved by the Decree of
the President of Turkmenistan
dated October 22, 2021 No. 2487


on state institutions of secondary vocational education

  1. The Regulation on State Institutions of Secondary Vocational Education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) regulates the activities of state institutions of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as secondary vocational educational institutions).
  2. In their activities, secondary vocational educational institutions are based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", the resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the decision of the Chambers of the National Council of Turkmenistan, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, other normative legal acts of Turkmenistan, international treaties of Turkmenistan, this Regulation and their charter.
  3. The main functions of secondary vocational schools:
  1. ensure the implementation of state policy in the education system of Turkmenistan in practice;
  2. satisfy the desire of the individual to acquire and deepen professional education, develop intellectually and culturally;
  3. training of specialists with secondary education for the relevant sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan (with the appropriate qualifications, vocational education programs can also be implemented);
  4. accumulation, protection and enrichment of the spiritual, moral, cultural and scientific values of society;
  5. to educate students in a high culture, closely related to national history, culture, traditions and priority universal values, as well as deep loyalty to the principles of independence and neutrality of the state, the Turkmen people, the Motherland and the President of Turkmenistan;
  6. in cooperation with the relevant ministries, departmental administrations, regional, district and city authorities, carry out career guidance work among students of general education schools and working youth in order to attract talented and highly capable youth to secondary vocational educational institutions;
  7. provide practical training for students while studying in secondary vocational schools and employment of graduates of secondary vocational schools studying at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan ;
  8. development of proposals to improve the quality of educational programs and programs in accordance with the priority areas of the country's socio-economic development;        
  9. implementation of national youth educational programs, sports, cultural events and other events aimed at improving the conditions of education, recreation and life of students;
  10. use of advanced methods and means of high-quality organization and training, advanced training of teaching staff and their retraining.
  1. Basic principles of secondary vocational schools:
  1. ensure the equal rights of every person in the full realization of his abilities and talents;
  2. ensure that the education provided in secondary vocational schools is of a humanistic nature, that the values of society, human life and health, and the free development of the individual are given priority;
  3. maintaining a harmonious relationship of education received in secondary vocational schools with the history of Turkmenistan, national culture and traditions of the Turkmen people;
  4. to instill in students a sense of citizenship and patriotism, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the family, homeland, and the natural environment;
  5. ensuring accessibility for all the entire range of educational services provided in secondary vocational schools;
  6. to achieve coordination of education provided in secondary vocational schools with science and production, as well as mutual connection with the educational systems of foreign countries;
  7. ensure the secular nature of secondary vocational schools and their separation from religious organizations;
  8. ensure the democracy of the teaching staff, based on ensuring the right of students to participate in the management of secondary vocational schools;
  9. provide secondary vocational schools with highly qualified teaching staff.
  1. Secondary vocational education can be obtained in various branches of institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary vocational school, college, etc.), as well as in institutions of higher professional education with licenses for the relevant educational programs.
  2. Training in educational programs of the secondary professional level is carried out on the basis of not lower than general secondary education.
  3. Education in secondary vocational schools for citizens of foreign states and stateless persons permanently residing in Turkmenistan is carried out in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan and international treaties.   
  4. The deadline for admission to secondary vocational schools, the venues for entrance examinations, as well as the schedule for admission to secondary vocational schools are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
  5. For the period of entrance examinations and admission to secondary vocational schools, the State Commission for Admission to Education is created, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
  6. The deadlines for accepting documents entering secondary vocational schools, the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, selection and admission to secondary vocational schools and other conditions are determined in the manner approved by the relevant Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for admission to study.
  7. During the reception period, a grievance redress group is formed. The composition, powers and work of the group are determined in the manner approved by the relevant Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
  8. Admission to secondary vocational educational institutions is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations based on the application of applicants. The conditions of the competition must ensure the observance of state guarantees of the human right to education and the admission of the most capable and prepared to accept the appropriate program of vocational education.
  9. When students are admitted to training in professions that require certain creative abilities, physical and (or) mental qualities, secondary vocational schools have the right to conduct additional creative and (or) professional tests, the results of which are taken into account along with the results of entrance tests for general education courses.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan determines the list of areas of training (specialties) for which additional creative and (or) professional tests can be carried out upon admission to training.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan establishes a list of additional examinations and conditions for admission to secondary vocational schools related to the entry of citizens of Turkmenistan into the civil service and access to information constituting a state secret.

  1. Graduates of educational institutions of Turkmenistan, awarded with gold, silver, bronze medals, are admitted to secondary vocational schools without participating in entrance exams in the field of subject Olympiads.
  2. When passing the following entrance exams, applicants without competition are enrolled in secondary vocational schools:
  1. orphans and children left under the care of parents or persons replacing them;
  2. disabled children, persons with disabilities of groups I and II , admitted to study in the relevant educational institutions upon the conclusion of the medical and social expert commission;
  3. children of servicemen (servicemen) who died in the line of duty in military and law enforcement agencies;
  4. graduates of higher educational institutions with a gold, silver and bronze medal who have not fulfilled the requirements of part fourteen of these Rules;
  5. children from large families (at least eight children).
  1. Those who have successfully passed the following entrance exams enjoy priority rights when entering secondary vocational schools:
  1. winners of the State Olympiad for schoolchildren in subjects, members of the national team of Turkmenistan who took part in international Olympiads;
  2. champions of Turkmenistan and prize-winners of international sports competitions entering educational institutions in physical culture and sports specialties ( mastery)
  3. winners of national and international creative competitions studying in educational institutions in creative areas (skills) of training
  4. people with III group of disability;
  5. people who have completed military service by conscription;
  6. persons with at least two years of work experience in the specialty (profession) of their chosen training.
  1. Admission to secondary vocational educational institutions from among the citizens of Turkmenistan living in sparsely populated, hard-to-reach and remote settlements can be carried out on the basis of targeted training. Customers of targeted training are relevant ministries, departmental authorities, local executive authorities, enterprises and organizations of the non-state sector of the economy.

Targeted training of the parties is formalized by an agreement concluded between a citizen of Turkmenistan and his parents or their guardians, a contractor, a secondary vocational educational institution, and a local executive authority. Below given obligatory provisions contracts:

  1. conditions for financing studies, including scholarships;
  2. after graduating from an educational institution, the duty of a citizen of Turkmenistan to work in the relevant industry within the period specified in the contract;
  3. liability of the parties in case of failure to comply with the terms of the contract, including financial terms.      
  1. A document on secondary vocational education allows its holder to carry out professional activities related to it, to enroll in higher vocational education institutions of Turkmenistan, as well as to continue education in a reduced form of education in higher vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan in a (comparable) profession (field of training) corresponding to the profession specified in the document.
  2. In order to develop the professional level of workers in the sectors of the economy and their promotion, as well as to provide the entrepreneurial sector of the economy with qualified personnel, working citizens of Turkmenistan are provided with the following opportunities:
  1. receive a secondary vocational education with the condition of not being removed from production in professions related to industrial labor ;
  2. if you have a diploma of secondary vocational education, continue your studies in the same profession (field of study) on the basis of an abbreviated program in institutions of higher vocational education.
  1. In secondary vocational educational institutions, the uniform of students and other aspects of appearance are determined by the charter of the secondary vocational educational institution.
  2. The organization of educational activities in secondary vocational schools is coordinated with the relevant ministries, departmental authorities and the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and approved by the relevant Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, regulated by the schedule of classes.
  3. Education and work practice of secondary vocational educational institutions are carried out at the relevant enterprises, institutions and organizations.
  4. Secondary professional educational institutions use educational technologies in their educational activities, including technologies based on the interaction of students and teaching staff, e-learning and distance learning technologies.
  5. The implementation of the e- learning program is based on the following:
  1. information stored in the database and used in the implementation of educational programs;
  2. information technologies and technical means providing data processing;
  3. information and telecommunication systems that provide the necessary (required) interaction of students and the transmission of the specified information via specified communication channels.

When implementing an e-learning program, the secondary vocational school must ensure that students, faculty, teaching assistants and administrative staff have access to a range of e-learning methodologies, including:

  1. the curriculum of the educational program;       
  2. the student's own curriculum;
  3. course curriculum (objectives, modules, courses);
  4. a set of educational information available in electronic form and providing all types of activities in accordance with the curriculum of the course (period, module, course);
  5. means of quality control of information processing;
  6. methodological advice to students on studying the curriculum of the course (tasks, module, course).
  1. Distance educational technologies are understood as means of implementing educational programs and organizing educational work through the use of information and telecommunication networks that ensure the interaction of students even at a distance.

Through the use of distance learning technologies, educational programs and educational activities, secondary vocational educational institutions provide students with access to:

  1. electronic educational and methodical complex;
  2. information and communication technologies and information and telecommunication networks;
  3. appropriate technological means.
  1. In order to start learning using e-learning and distance learning technologies in a secondary vocational school, you must have the following:
  1. electronic methodological sets of courses (tasks, modules, courses) in the curricula of each educational program;
  2. digital library;
  3. information and communication technologies;
  4. information and telecommunication networks;
  5. technological means.
  1. Vocational schools use full-time, part-time (with study outside of school hours, on the condition of non-working) and correspondence (on the condition of non-working) education.

The list of courses and specialties that do not include full-time and part-time education is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

  1. Admission to full-time and correspondence secondary vocational schools is carried out on the condition that a citizen has worked at the place of work or position in the chosen profession for at least two years and is recommended by his employer.
  2. Vocational education programs of secondary vocational education are determined by the State Classifier of Vocational Education of Turkmenistan or the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
  3. Secondary vocational educational institutions have the right to provide training in the following cases by concluding agreements with legal entities and (or) individuals, subject to payment for tuition:
  1. when accepting students for extracurricular training under the relevant vocational education programs financed from the State budget of Turkmenistan;
  2. upon admission to full-time or part-time education;
  3. when entering an educational institution on the basis of secondary vocational education to receive a second education;
  4. upon admission to study in a specialty that is not considered funded from the State budget of Turkmenistan;
  5. upon admission to training e on the basis of targeted training.
  1. Secondary vocational educational institutions have the right to provide other paid educational services to the population, enterprises, institutions and organizations in the absence of appropriate funding.
  2. The income of secondary vocational educational institutions from the paid activities specified in the thirtieth part of this Regulation is used by them for statutory purposes.

Paid educational services are not provided in exchange for educational activities financed from the State budget of Turkmenistan. Funds received in violation of this rule are transferred to the account of the State Budget of Turkmenistan.

  1. The academic year in secondary vocational schools begins on September 1. The academic year consists of two semesters, each of which ends with an examination period according to the curriculum for the profession.
  2. The standard duration of secondary vocational education programs ranges from two to four academic years, depending on the specialty and form of study. Accurate duration learning determined plans for learning.
  3. During the academic year, students are provided with 2 vacation holidays, with a total duration of at least 40 days. The exact period and duration of the leave is determined according to the curriculum, depending on the specifics of the relevant area of professional training.
  4. The languages of instruction in secondary vocational schools are determined by the Law of Turkmenistan “On Education” and other normative legal acts of Turkmenistan.
  5. As the state language, the Turkmen language is the main language of instruction and education in secondary vocational schools. A foreign language (languages) can be used as the main language of instruction in secondary vocational schools, depending on the goals of educational programs arid the characteristics of the educational process.
  6. The study of foreign languages is included as a compulsory subject in the programs of secondary vocational education.
  7. In secondary vocational schools, where the main language of instruction is the corresponding foreign language (languages), the state language of Turkmenistan is used to teach subjects included in the national part of the educational program, determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
  8. The curriculum of a secondary vocational school should provide for breaks of sufficient duration for students to eat. The exact duration of lessons and breaks is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

The duties of the secondary vocational school include the creation of conditions for catering in the secondary vocational school. Housing must be secured for students in middle of the vocational school.

  1. Medical care for students of secondary vocational schools is provided by health care institutions. Vocational schools are obliged to provide medical workers with premises with appropriate conditions for their work.
  2. Educational activities in secondary vocational schools are carried out in accordance with the planned activities in this regard.
  3. The main goal of educating students of secondary vocational schools is the formation and development of the most important civic qualities in the younger generation and the ability to show them in creative work in the interests of the individual, society and the state.
  4. The following are the main areas of education of students:
  1. moral education;
  2. civic education;
  3. military-patriotic education;
  4. social education;
  5. cultural and historical education;
  6. healthy lifestyle training.
  1. The teaching staff is obliged when teaching students?
  1. carry out mentoring at a professional level;
  2. to carry out preventive measures to identify offenses among students;
  3. promptly inform parents or guardians about violations committed by students;
  4. respect the honor and dignity of students, parents or guardians;
  5. to be a role model for students in their spiritual, moral and aesthetic behavior and appearance.
  1. The teaching staff in teaching students has the following rights:
  1. protect their rights, legitimate interests, reputation and dignity;
  2. free choice of pedagogically sound methods and ways of education.
  1. Secondary vocational schools determine the quality of educational programs by conducting milestone assessments of student performance, winter and summer assessments, and final state exams.
  2. The secondary vocational school uses the assessment system developed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the types of testing of students in the learning process.
  3. Final state examinations are mandatory in secondary vocational schools and are held after the full mastery of the curriculum. In accordance with the Regulations on the final state exam in secondary vocational schools of Turkmenistan, approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, as a final assessment of the education of persons who have completed secondary vocational school, used result State examination commissions.
  4. Professional secondary educational institutions provide graduates who have successfully passed the final state exams with state documents certifying that they have received the appropriate education and are certified with a seal.
  5. The issuance of documents on education to graduates of pedagogical secondary vocational educational institutions is carried out subject to successful completion of the probationary period, during which young specialists undergo professional adaptation and, within the framework of it, consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired during the initial (structural) training with the help of mentors from among experienced pedagogical frames.
  6. There is no fee for issuing educational documents.
  7. Documents on education are drawn up in the state language of Turkmenistan or in the state language of Turkmenistan and a foreign language in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
  8. Persons who have not completed a certain level of education, who did not participate in the final state exam or who showed unsatisfactory results in the final state exam, are issued a certificate of study at a secondary vocational educational institution in the form established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

Persons who did not take part in the final state exams or who showed unsatisfactory results in the final state exams have the right to retake the final state exams after a period of at least one year.

  1. For a graduate of a secondary vocational educational institution and a student who has not graduated from a secondary vocational educational institution, the document on education submitted upon admission is returned from the personal portfolio. A certified copy of the document and other documents (copies of orders for admission, graduation or expulsion from studies, transcripts, student certificates, etc.) are left for storage in a personal file.
  2. The management of the secondary vocational school is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, on the basis of these Regulations and the charter of the secondary vocational school.
  3. When a citizen is admitted to a secondary vocational educational institution, the parent and (or) parents of the citizen or the person replacing him or her has the right to familiarize themselves with the charter of the educational institution, documents for the right to conduct educational work, state documents on appropriate education, educational programs implemented by this educational institution, institution, and with other documents regulating the organization of educational work, including those that must be submitted through the official website of the educational institution.
  4. The management of secondary vocational educational institutions is carried out on the basis of the legislation of Turkmenistan, in accordance with their charters, on the basis of the principles of unity of command and collegial management. Immediate management middle professional school carries out her director.
  5. The director of the secondary vocational school is nominated by competent and respected employees, appointed to and dismissed by the heads of the relevant ministries and departmental departments in agreement with the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

In accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, the director determines the duties and responsibilities of employees of a secondary vocational educational institution.

  1. Heads of structural subdivisions of secondary vocational educational institutions are appointed and dismissed by the directors of secondary vocational educational institutions in agreement with the relevant ministries and departmental authorities. Heads of structural subdivisions of secondary vocational educational institutions of military and law enforcement agencies are appointed and dismissed by the heads of these agencies.
  2. Students of secondary vocational educational institutions include students, trainees, etc.

A person admitted to educational programs of secondary vocational education in accordance with the order of the director of a secondary vocational educational institution is considered a student, and a person admitted to educational programs for advanced training and retraining of employees is considered a trainee. The student is issued a student certificate and a test and examination sheet.

  1. The student receives secondary vocational education in the chosen specialty (profession) in accordance with the educational program of the secondary vocational educational institution.

The rights, obligations and social security of a student are determined by the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", these Regulations and the charter of a secondary vocational educational institution.

  1. Students admitted to study at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan are provided with scholarships, including scholarships awarded by public associations and charitable organizations.
  2. The upbringing and education of orphans and children left under the care of parents or persons replacing them, until they reach the age of 24, are carried out on the basis of full state funding.
  3. In accordance with the conditions set out in the regulations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, students of secondary vocational educational institutions can obtain (academic) permission to transfer to another profession (in the direction of training) within the framework of a secondary vocational educational institution, as well as to another secondary vocational educational institution, institution.
  4. Students studying in secondary vocational schools are provided with hostels in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

Registration of citizens studying in educational organizations who temporarily left for a period of more than 45 (forty-five) calendar days without leaving their place of residence to study in an educational organization within 5 (five) working days from the date of issuance of the relevant order for their admission to an educational institution is carried out by contacting a trustee. Students are enrolled until the end of the semester.

  1. Graduates of secondary vocational educational institutions who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary vocational education are sent to work in accordance with the Regulations on the employment of graduates of secondary vocational and higher professional educational institutions, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
  2. Pedagogical employees are required to undergo periodic and extraordinary medical examinations at the expense of the employer during work.
  3. The scientific and pedagogical staff also includes teachers of secondary vocational educational institutions with academic degrees and (or) academic titles. In accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, scientific and pedagogical workers of a secondary vocational educational institution enjoy their rights and fulfill their duties.
  4. For the implementation of programs of secondary vocational education, the following minimum level of professional qualification of teaching staff is established:

Professional teacher - a diploma of a specialist in the relevant area of higher education or a bachelor's degree in the relevant area of training. If the diploma does not indicate a pedagogical qualification, its holder undergoes additional pedagogical training at a pedagogical university (faculty).

  1. Vocational schools carry out activities aimed at improving the quality of training of specialists, advanced training of teaching staff, scientific organization of education.
  2. Vocational secondary schools provide students with basic moral principles and a common culture based on national history, culture and traditions, as well as healthy lifestyle skills.
  3. The annual workload of teachers in secondary vocational schools is determined in accordance with the established procedure.
  4. Labor relations between secondary vocational schools and employees are regulated by the labor legislation of Turkmenistan.
  5. Financing of secondary vocational educational institutions is carried out on the basis of each student, taking into account the content of educational programs, teaching technologies, types of training, special conditions for teaching students with disabilities for health reasons, ensuring safe conditions for training and education, protecting the life and health of students, by type secondary vocational education institution funding is carried out on the basis of standard criteria.
  6. The sources of funding for secondary vocational schools are as follows:
  1. funds from the State Budget of Turkmenistan;
  2. personal funds of citizens;
  3. resources of ministries, departmental authorities, state enterprises and organizations operating on the basis of economic accounting;
  4. funds of enterprises and organizations of the non-state sector of the economy;
  5. funds of ministries, departmental authorities, state enterprises and organizations, as well as enterprises and organizations of the non-state sector of the economy, working on the basis of economic accounting, for targeted training of citizens living in sparsely populated, hard-to-reach places.
  1. In order to carry out their activities, secondary vocational educational institutions, in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, provide paid additional education and other services provided for by the charter of the educational institution, by enrolling in educational programs on a paid basis, as well as in Turkmenistan and (or) for abroad, have the right to raise-funds through voluntary donations and earmarked contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities of their states.

Attracting additional funds by a secondary vocational educational institution does not reduce the normative criteria for funding by the founder.

  1. A secondary vocational school can independently provide for the livelihoods of needy students within the available extra budgetary funds.

The material base of a secondary vocational educational institution consists of land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles, as well as household, residential, cultural and other funds used to solve other problems in the field of training and education.

  1. Citizens studying in secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan receive state support through educational loans.
  2. State property assigned to a secondary vocational educational institution may be leased in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

The funds received as rent are used to ensure and develop the educational work of secondary vocational schools.

  1. Buildings for educational, industrial, residential and cultural purposes, which are managed by secondary vocational schools and objects of industrial and residential infrastructure and hostels, including residential buildings, as well as clinical bases of medical educational institutions are not subject to privatization (withdrawal from state property).
  2. Acquisition and (or) withdrawal of property owned by a secondary vocational educational institution is allowed only in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.
  3. The secondary vocational educational institution is responsible to the owner of the property for the maintenance and efficient use of the property.
  4. Vocational schools regularly maintain statistical and accounting records.
  5. Secondary professional educational institutions have the right to carry out international cooperation in vocational, secondary professional, pedagogical and other educational activities in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan and international treaties of Turkmenistan.
  6. Vocational schools are created, reorganized and abolished in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Vocational schools in all regions that provide training programs for the military and law enforcement officers are created, reorganized and abolished by the decision of the Cabinet Ministers Turkmenistan.

  1. The secondary vocational educational institution is a legal entity, has separate property, a seal with the image of the State Flag of Turkmenistan and its name, seals, letterheads, as well as settlement accounts in banks of Turkmenistan.


