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Regulations on state preschool institutions


Approved by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated March 1, 2019 No. 1158


about state preschool institutions

  1. This Regulation is an instrument of state preschool institutions (hereinafter referred to as preschool institutions) established as family support for raising and educating children aged 1 to 6 years, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, and developing their personal values.
  2. In preschool institutions, education is carried out according to the program of preschool education, which is the first and main stage of the education system. Preschool education is carried out on the basis of relevant state educational standards.
  3. Preschool institutions in their activities are guided by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the laws of Turkmenistan "On Education", "On State Guarantees of Children's Rights", decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, other legal documents, international treaties of Turkmenistan, these Regulations are supported and its charter.
  4. The charters of preschool institutions are drawn up on the basis of these Regulations.
  5. Main functions preschool institutions :
  1. to educate and develop children in the national spirit, to form in them a deep love and devotion to Turkmenistan, their people and the President of Turkmenistan;
  2. to instill in children feelings of kindness, justice, respect for elders, respect for peers, love for the history, traditions, culture and nature of the Turkmen people;
  3. preparing children for mastering the primary education curriculum;
  4. ensuring a harmonious connection between preschool institutions and the family, educational institutions and public organizations in the upbringing of children and their education.
  1. Preschool institutions, in accordance with the tasks assigned to them, are obliged to:
  1.  provide preschool education and upbringing of children, their healthy physical and mental development, strengthening of mental health;
  2. the use of advanced methods and modern tools and technologies for the upbringing and education of children, the organization of educational work at a high level;       
  3. adhere to the national culture of the Turkmen people in the formation of universal values and their preservation in educational programs;
  4. preparation of the educational program of primary education in accordance with the curricula;
  5. organizes the teaching of children in foreign languages in accordance with the curriculum;
  6. regularly organizes various cultural and multicultural, artistic and creative and sports and recreational activities to identify and develop natural talents, abilities and personal qualities in children;
  7. carries out other activities within the scope of its duties.

7. Depending on their competence, preschool institutions may belong to ministries, departmental departments, regional, regional city departments of education, district, city departments of education.

8. Preschool institutions are divided into the following types :

  1. preschool institutions of a general type (kindergarten, nursery school);
  2. special preschool institutions for children with disabilities in mental and physical development;
  3. mixed type (with special groups for children with disabilities in general and mental and physical development, where correctional and educational activities are coordinated; there are mixed groups of children of different age*) preschool institutions;
  4. round-the-clock preschool institutions (groups) for children of citizens in need of social support;
  5. specialized preschool children's institutions, where educational activities in these areas are deepened;
  6. other types of preschool institutions.

Preschoolers with disabilities for health reasons, that is, with defects in mental and (or) physical development, are provided with conditions for receiving education (inclusive education) in general educational preschool institutions. For the upbringing of children who cannot attend general education preschool institutions, special preschool institutions are created .

9. Regardless of religion and form, the Turkmen language is the main language of education and upbringing in all types of preschool institutions operating in Turkmenistan.

10. Preschool institutions are responsible to the state, parents and society for the implementation of programs for the upbringing and education of children, the organization of upbringing and education and ensuring that the chosen methods correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of children, as well as their state of health.

11. The work schedule of preschool institutions is determined in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and depending on their subordination, it is determined by the decision of the relevant ministries, departmental authorities, regions and heads of administrations of the city of Ashgabat.

12. In preschool institutions, the use of physical force and psychological violence against children is not allowed.

13. The upbringing and education of children in preschool institutions is carried out on the basis of the main curriculum approved by the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan, as well as educational programs, plans and programs approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

14. Education of children in preschool institutions is carried out continuously throughout the year.

The school year for children begins on September 1 of the same year and ends on May 25 of the following year.

15. The order of age grouping of children in preschool institutions is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan on the basis of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.

In preschool institutions, the transfer of children from one group to another according to age characteristics (children who have reached the age before December 31 of the same year) is carried out until August 25 of each year during the summer season.

16. In accordance with the normative legal acts of Turkmenistan, the maximum number of groups in preschool institutions should be 15-20 children in kindergarten groups of 1-3 years old and 20-25 children in groups of 3-6 years old.

17. The duties of the heads of preschool institutions, medical workers, educators and teachers include monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and safety measures for children.

18. The procedure for the admission and removal of children from preschool institutions, as well as the transfer of a child from one child care institution to another, is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

19. Regardless of the subordination of a preschool institution, its leaders, educators, teachers, in the prescribed manner, undergo professional tests by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and advanced training courses are organized for them.

In order to determine the professional level of pedagogical workers (educators, teachers) of preschool institutions and assign them an appropriate salary, the teaching staff is subjected to a professional examination at least once every 5 years

The time for certification of teaching staff is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in agreement with the relevant Deputy Minister of Education of Turkmenistan.

Professional verification of other employees is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of Turkmenistan.

20. Regardless of the subordination of a preschool institution, its work is controlled and managed by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, regional, city main departments of education, regional, district, city departments of education.

21. Preschool institutions operate on the principles of sole guidance and consultation.

22. The preschool is headed by a director.

Heads of preschool children's institutions under the jurisdiction of the regional, district and city departments of education are appointed and dismissed by the heads of the regional, district departments of education in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and local authorities.

Heads of preschool institutions subordinated to ministries and departmental authorities are appointed and dismissed by the heads of these ministries a»d departmental authorities in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

To be appointed to the position of director, a specialist must have a higher pedagogical education and at least 5 years of teaching experience (including 3 years in a preschool institution).

23. Director :

  1. responsible for the protection of children's health, the comprehensive development of children from an early age, modem education, the quality of preparation for mastering the educational program of primary education .;
  2. ensures the connection of a preschool institution with a family and a general educational institution;
  3. ensures the full implementation of curricula and programs and financial management of the preschool institution;
  4. hires and fires service personnel of preschool institutions;
  5. for hiring and dismissal of other workers from among the service personnel, depending on their subordination, the velayat sends a proposal to the regional, regional, city main departments of education, district, city departments of education or a higher body (enterprise).

24. In preschool institutions, management on the principle of a trade union commission is carried out through the pedagogical council. The composition of the pedagogical council of a preschool institution includes the heads of the institution, educators, teachers, doctors, nurses. Director preschool institutions is head pedagogical advice.

25. Other personnel from the service personnel of preschool institutions on the recommendation of the relevant director:

  1. the head of the regional, district, city main departments of education, district, city departments of education in relation to preschool institutions under the jurisdiction of the regional, district city main departments of education, district, city departments of education;
  2. preschool institutions under ministries and departmental departments are hired and fired by the heads of these ministries and departmental departments.
  1. Heads of preschool institutions must have the highest pedagogical qualification, and educators and teachers - the highest or secondary professional pedagogical qualification.
  2. Pedagogical and other personnel of preschool institutions are required to undergo a medical examination at the expense of the employer upon employment and every six months.
  3. Labor relations between employees of preschool institutions and the employer are regulated in accordance with the labor legislation of Turkmenistan.
  4. The amount of the fee paid by parents or persons replacing them for the upbringing of children in preschool institutions is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, and the procedure for calculating, receiving and spending the fee is agreed upon by the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
  5. Sources of funding for the work of preschool institutions are funds provided at the expense of the State budget of Turkmenistan, funds of institutions, enterprises and organizations, fees for raising a child in preschool institutions, as well as other sources of funding not prohibited by law.
  6. The founders of preschool institutions are responsible for ensuring that their funding and level of funding does not fall below the relevant government funding standards.
  7. Accounting and financial reporting of preschool institutions is carried out by centralized accounting departments of regions, city departments of education, district, city education departments and a higher institution (enterprise).
  8. Preschool institutions are created, reorganized abolished by the-heads of the administrations of the regions and the city of Ashgabat, ministries and departmental administrative bodies in accordance with the legislation in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

A pre-school institution may be established if its premises meet the required standards of construction, cleanliness and equipment, and the number of children to be educated in them is at least forty children.

A preschool institution is a legal entity, has a seal with the image of the State Flag of Turkmenistan and its name.


