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Normative Documents of Turkmenistan International Agreements on Cooperation in the Field of Education International Law Normative Documents Samples of State Educational Documents The State Educational Standards of Turkmenistan The State Classifications of Vocational Education of Turkmenistan

Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on mutual recognition of official documents on education, scientific titles and scientific degrees



The Government of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

expressing a desire to assist the further development and deepening of bilateral cooperation in the field of education and science,

in order to establish rules for the mutual recognition of official documents on education, scientific titles and scientific degrees,

agreed on the following:

Article 1

This Agreement establishes the procedure for the recognition of official documents on state education issued by state educational institutions of full-time education of the Parties, official documents on the award of academic degrees and academic titles issued by the Higher Attestation Committee of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, official documents on the award of academic titles and academic degrees issued in Turkmenistan.

Article 2

Official state documents on comprehensive secondary and vocational education issued in Turkmenistan and Ukraine are recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Parties for continuing education at the appropriate level.

Article 3

The Parties mutually recognize diplomas and certificates of graduation from educational institutions for the training of junior specialists and skilled workers issued in Ukraine, diplomas and certificates of graduation from educational institutions for the training of mid-level specialists and workers issued in Turkmenistan, subject to the duration and content of vocational training for continuing education, as well as for employment in accordance with the assigned qualifications.

Article 4

The Ukrainian Side recognizes diplomas issued in Turkmenistan, corresponding to the diplomas of conferring the degrees of "assistant (junior specialist)", "bachelor", "specialist" and "master", issued by higher educational institutions of Ukraine with the corresponding period of study, which give the right to continue education, as well as for employment in accordance with the assigned qualifications.

Article 5

The Turkmen Side recognizes the diplomas of conferring the degrees of "assistant (junior specialist)", "bachelor", "specialist" and "master", issued by higher educational institutions of Ukraine, corresponding to diplomas issued in Turkmenistan, which give the right to continue education, as well as to employment in accordance with the assigned qualifications.

Article 6

Diplomas of conferring academic degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences issued by the Higher Attestation Committee of Ukraine and diplomas of conferring academic degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences issued by the state authority of Turkmenistan are recognized as equivalent.

Article 7

Certificates of conferring the academic titles of associate professor and professor issued in Turkmenistan and certificates of conferring the academic titles of associate professor and professor issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are mutually recognized in accordance with the current legislation of the States of the Parties.

Article 8

To implement the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties will provide each other with samples of state official documents on academic titles and academic degrees, as well as other legal acts regulating the rules and procedures for their registration and issuance.

Article 9

The Parties will exchange views on the implementation of this Agreement, inform about changes in the education system of their states, the names of official documents on academic titles and academic degrees, the requirements for their issuance, and, if necessary, will give each other relevant official explanations.

Article 10

The Parties will establish a General Commission of Experts (hereinafter referred to as the General Commission) to resolve possible disputes after the conclusion of this Agreement. The Parties will inform each other about the composition of the General Commission through diplomatic channels.

The General Commission will update the list of educational institutions to which this Agreement applies.

The general commission will work as needed. The place and time of the meetings will be agreed through diplomatic channels.

Article 11

By agreement of the Parties, this Agreement may be amended by drawing up the relevant Protocols, which are an integral part of this Agreement.

Article 12

  This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and comes into force from the date of its signing.

Each of the Parties may terminate this Agreement by a written notification through diplomatic channels of the other Party of its intention to terminate the Agreement. The Agreement shall terminate after twelve months from the receipt by the other Party of the relevant notification.

Signed in the city of Kyiv on May 14, 2001 in two copies in the Turkmen, Ukrainian and Russian languages, the texts of which have the same legal force. In the event of discrepancies in the interpretation of the provisions of the Agreement, the text in Russian will take precedence.

On behalf of the Government of Turkmenistan                    

On behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

