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Normative Documents of Turkmenistan International Agreements on Cooperation in the Field of Education International Law Normative Documents Samples of State Educational Documents The State Educational Standards of Turkmenistan The State Classifications of Vocational Education of Turkmenistan

Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the mutual recognition of documents on education and academic degrees



The Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the People's Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, expressing a desire to assist the further development and deepening of interstate cooperation in the field of education, striving to establish rules for the mutual recognition of state-recognized education documents, agreed on the following:

Article 1

This Agreement applies to documents of state standard on education issued by the authorities of Turkmenistan and the People's Republic of China.

Article 2

The certificate of complete general secondary education issued in Turkmenistan and the certificate issued in the People's Republic of China after graduating from a complete secondary school are recognized by the Parties as documents granting their holders the right to enter higher educational institutions of the other Party after passing exams (or tests) in accordance with the laws of the host country and the rules of the host educational institution.

Article 3

With the standard period of duration for a given level of education of at least 2 years in Turkmenistan and at least 3 years in the People's Republic of China, the diploma of secondary vocational education issued in Turkmenistan and the People's Republic of China is recognized by the Parties as a document granting its owner the right to enter higher educational institutions of the other Party after passing the exam (or test) in accordance with the legislation of the host country and the rules of the host educational institution.

Article 4

If the duration of the standard period of study at this level of education is at least 4 years, a diploma of higher professional education issued in Turkmenistan, and a diploma of incomplete higher education, a bachelor's degree issued in the People's Republic of China, the Parties recognize as a document granting its owner the right for admission to higher education institutions of the other Party after passing the exam (or credit) in accordance with the legislation of the host country and the rules of the host educational institution.

Article 5

Diploma of a specialist in higher professional education, issued in Turkmenistan, with a duration of at this level of education of the standard period of study of at least 5 years, in medical specialties for at least 6 years, in the specialties of dentistry and pharmacy for at least 5 years and a master's degree issued in the People's Republic of China, the Parties recognize as a document granting its owner the right to enter higher educational institutions of the other Party after passing the exam (or test) in accordance with the legislation of the host country and the rules of the host educational institution.

Article 6

The Parties recognize as documents the diplomas of the candidate of sciences and the diplomas of the doctor of sciences issued by the authorized body of Turkmenistan, and the diplomas of the doctor of sciences issued by the authorized body of the People's Republic of China, in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.

Article 7

By agreement of the Parties, this Agreement may be amended by separate protocols.

Article 8

Disagreements on the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Agreement arising between the Parties shall be resolved through consultations and negotiations between the Parties.

Article 9

This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and comes into force from the date of its signing.

Either Party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other Party through diplomatic channels. The Agreement terminates after twelve months from the date of receipt by the other Party of the relevant notification.

Signed in Beijing on November 23, 2011 in duplicate in the Turkmen, Chinese and Russian languages, having equal legal force. With a different interpretation, the text in Russian is taken as the basis.

On behalf of the
Government of Turkmenistan

On behalf of the
Government of People's Republic of China
