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Normative Documents of Turkmenistan International Agreements on Cooperation in the Field of Education International Law Normative Documents Samples of State Educational Documents The State Educational Standards of Turkmenistan The State Classifications of Vocational Education of Turkmenistan

Agreement between the government of Turkmenistan and government of the Russian federation on mutual recognition of government-issued documents of education





The government of Turkmenistan and government of the Russian Federation, hereafter called the Parties,

Basing on the Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation dated by April 23, 2002,

Intending to develop and expand further intergovernmental cooperation on education,

 To regulate mutual recognition of government-issued documents of education

Agreed on the following:

Article 1

This Agreement regards government-issued documents of education distributed by educational establishments of Party states in accordance with legislation of Party states.

Article 2

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation the certificate of secondary education of Turkmenistan is considered to be authentic document in the Russian Federation, which provides opportunity to carry on further education corresponding to the curriculum of comprehensive secondary education, primary vocational and secondary vocational education, in case studies at this level lasted at least for nine years.   

In case studies at this level lasted at least for ten years the Certificate of Secondary Education of Turkmenistan and the Certificate of Comprehensive Secondary Education of the Russian Federation are considered to be authentic documents which allows its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the curriculum of next stages of education at admitting establishments of Party states according to the legislation of the Parties.

Article 3

The certificate of primary vocational and secondary vocational education (comprehensive (full) secondary education provided) of the Russian Federation allows its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the educational curriculums of institutions in Turkmenistan according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Vocational work is permitted according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 4

In case studies at this level lasted at least for four years the Diploma of Higher Education of Turkmenistan and the Diploma of Bachelor degree of the Russian Federation, taking into an account received degree, allows its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the higher vocational curriculum at the institutions of Party states according to the legislation of the Parties.

Vocational work is permitted according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 4

In case studies at this level lasted at least for five years the Diploma of Higher Education of Turkmenistan and the Diploma of Specialists of Russian Federation, the Diploma of Higher Vocational Specialists, allow its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the post graduate curriculums at the institutions of Party states according to the legislation of the Parties.

Vocational work is permitted according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 6

Specialist diploma about acquiring internal studies at least for six years for medical specialties, five years for stomatology and pharmaceutics specialties, diploma of higher education of specialist and diploma of higher vocational education of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation allow its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the post graduate curriculums at the institutions of Party states according to the legislation of the Parties.

Vocational work is permitted according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 7

Master’s Degree Diploma of the Russian Federation allows its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the post graduate curriculums at the educational or scientific institutions of Turkmenistan according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Vocational work is permitted according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 8

Academic certificates provided by the higher educational institutions of the Party states taking into an account received degree and according to legislation of the Party states of admitting educational establishments allow its owner to carry on further education corresponding to the related curriculum at the institutions of the Party states.

Article 9

The articles from 2 to 8 of the following Agreement are implemented on condition of coinciding of duration and content of curriculums.

Article 10

To implement the following Agreement, the Parties have to provide each other the samples of the government-issued documents of education, official requirements for national regulations and procedures of certification and distribution of those documents. 

Article 11

Amendment to Agreement are allowed to be carried out on condition of mutual consent of the Parties and the approved by particular petitions.  

Article 12

Misinterpretations about implementation and understanding of the following Agreement are to be solved through consultations and negotiations between the Parties.

Article 13

This Agreement is entered into force for indefinite period and available from the date of signing.

Each of the Parties is allowed to break the Agreement informing the other Party by means of verbal note through diplomatic channels. The Agreement will available within twelve more months after the other Party receives the verbal note.


The Agreement was signed on March 25, 2009 in Moscow both in Turkmen and Russian and both samples are equally authentic.

On behalf of the Government

of Turkmenistan

On behalf of the Government

of the Russian Federation

