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Normative Documents of Turkmenistan International Agreements on Cooperation in the Field of Education International Law Normative Documents Samples of State Educational Documents The State Educational Standards of Turkmenistan The State Classifications of Vocational Education of Turkmenistan

The state educational standard of the primary vocational education


Approved by the order of the Minister
of Education of Turkmenistan
of December 31, 2020 № 289 



1. The state educational standard of the primary vocational education (hereinafter - the standard) was developed in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education", the Regulation on the State Primary Vocational Educational Institutions, the State Standard of Professional Development of Educational Workers, the state classifier of specialties of the primary vocational education of Turkmenistan and  regardless of the structure, the type of ownership, the language of instruction, it determines the requirements for the level of training of students in the primary vocational schools, including the primary vocational schools of military and law-enforcement agencies, the maximum size of the educational load, and the content of education.

2. The terms in the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education" are used in this standard. In addition, the following terms and definitions are introduced:

1) Educational program – a set of content, volume and planned results of education and it is provided in the form of curriculum, calendar curriculum, educational programs in subjects (courses, stages), other components, as well as assessment and methodological materials;

2) Curriculum – training and methodological document of the primary vocational school developed on the basis of the state educational standard containing the outline of the educational process, the types and term of the classes, their final and stage-by-stage control, taking into account the characteristics of the primary vocational school, the size of the sets of subjects;

3) Working curriculum is developed separately by the primary vocational school on the basis of the standard curriculum of the profession and individual curriculum for the students.

4) Course paper (project) – the work of a student and a military student (hereinafter – the student) that includes the results of independent study and solution of an important issue by his/her specialty;

5) Composition of compulsory courses – a list of subjects specified in the curriculum and compulsory for the students who study in accordance with the educational program (a set of general humanitarian and socio-economic subjects, a set of subjects in general and exact sciences, a set of general professional and special courses – SGPSC);

6) Standard educational program of subject – training and methodological document that defines the goals, issues and content of theoretical and practical training of a graduate of the primary vocational school in accordance with the subject, developed on the basis of the educational standard and approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. 

Syllabus of the subject – training and methodological document of the primary vocational school, which defines the goals and content of theoretical and practical preparation of the worker with the primary vocational education on the subject that is developed on the basis of the standard educational program and is included in the curriculum of the profession, and reveals the basic methodological approaches of teaching the subject.

7) Composition of the subjects of the primary vocational school – a list of special courses independently determined by the primary vocational school within the framework of the educational program of the profession;

8) Professional competences – training on the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective implementation of the professional work in the workplace and in the relevant position;

9) Employment characteristic is used to develop a plan for training the workers with the primary vocational education, to estimate the number of the workers to be trained, to verify their composition, to organize educational activities in the primary vocational schools, to describe the places where graduates should work.

10) Job requirements – a description of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective performance of the professional work in the relevant position defined by the employer.

3. Primary vocational education, which is the one-stage structural component of training the workers by the specialties (specialists), is defined as primary vocational education, which allows training the workers with specialties in various fields of profession and economy.

The standard duration of mastering educational programs of the primary vocational education ranges from one academic year to one and a half academic year depending on the complexity of the profession. The concrete term of study is determined by the curriculum of training for the relevant profession approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

As the state language, the Turkmen language is the main language of teaching and educating in the primary vocational educational institutions.

The study of the foreign languages is included as a compulsory subject in the professional educational programs.

The documents on education are formalized in the state language of Turkmenistan.

The documents on education can be also formalized in a foreign language in the procedure established by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

4. Education in the primary vocational schools is carried out in accordance with the curriculum of professions, educational programs of subjects (courses, stages) and the schedule of lessons.

5. The structure, content, types of courses, the volume and hours of the student's educational load, industrial training activities, and practices are shown in the curriculum of the profession prepared on the basis of Appendix 1.

Training in the primary vocational educational institutions is carried out in full-time, part-time forms of education and on the basis of tuition by correspondence.

Curriculum of the primary vocational education in the primary vocational schools of military and law-enforcement agencies is based on Appendix 1, taking into account its peculiarities.

Standard curricula are developed on the basis of this standard for a specific specialty of the primary vocational education and are approved (by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan) in the established procedure.

Standard curricula of the military and law-enforcement agencies in the primary vocational schools are agreed upon and approved by the Ministry of Education in the established procedure.

In the standard curricula, compulsory subjects are listed in accordance with each subject and each type of the educational activity (practices, course papers, assignment, fulfilment of calculation graphic work, passing the state examinations).  

The academic year begins on September 1, based on the academic calendar outlined in the standard curriculum. The academic year consists of two semesters, each of which ends with test and examination period according to the curriculum of a specific field of professional training.

6. Educational work of the primary vocational schools includes lectures, practical classes, seminars, laboratory work, tests, industrial training, educational activities and tests, educational, technological and industrial practices, course paper, assignment or preparation of calculation graphic work. It is done in the form of preparation. The primary vocational school also includes other types of training based on the specific features of the profession.

Educational activities are defined in the curriculum, depending on the peculiarities of the relevant field of the professional training.

7. The primary vocational schools use the grading system, types, schedule and periodicity of midterm and final tests developed by the authorized state institution for education management.

8. The primary vocational schools of Turkmenistan train the specialists with the primary vocational education in accordance with the following:

1) this standard;

2) curricula of the profession;

3) the state classifier of specialties of the primary vocational education of Turkmenistan.

9.  The state educational standard of primary vocational education:

1) determines the content of the primary vocational education and training;

2) determines the requirements for the maximum volume of the educational load and the level of training of the students.

10. The requirements of the standard are compulsory when the following is prepared:

1) educational programs;

2) curricula;

3) syllabi of the subjects. 

11. In accordance with the state classifier of specialties of the primary vocational education of Turkmenistan, the fields of the primary vocational education that the students receive are defined in the form of the following professional groups:

1) Mathematics and natural sciences;

2) Engineering work, technologies and technical sciences;

3) Healthcare and Medical Sciences;

4) Agriculture and agricultural sciences;

5) Social sciences;

6) Educational and pedagogical sciences;

7) Humanities;

8) Art and culture; 

9) Defense and Security of the State. Military Sciences. 

12. Requirements for the students' level of training are:

1) demonstrating knowledge and understanding in the field of study, including the fundamentals of more advanced knowledge;

2) applying the acquired knowledge and understanding to the fullest extent;

3) being able to identify evidence and solve problems in the field of study;

4) gathering and interpreting information to form attitudes from a social, ethical and scientific points of view;

13. Regardless of the type of ownership and the language of education, the educational institution determines the purpose and importance of the primary vocational education, the standard duration of mastering educational programs, and the volume of content related to the compulsory mastering by the students in the primary vocational schools in accordance with this standard.

The structure of the content of education is determined according to the requirements of the calculation and measurement tools of the education: the curricula of the profession and the educational programs of the subjects, the volume of the educational load, the duration of the academic periods, the types of the academic classes, the volume of the educational material.

14. Maximum volume of a student's educational load is measured by each subject or each type of educational activity that they master during their study period (course, courses).

15. It gives a qualification in accordance with the profession related to the primary vocational education.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, it gives a qualification in accordance with the profession related to the primary vocational education.

16. The basic skills of a graduate of a primary vocational school are formed on the basis of requirements for general education, social and ethical, economic, organizational and management, as well as professional competences.

The results of education in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies should correspond to the model of the graduate's competence in accordance with the professional competences (employment characteristics, job requirements).

General Education Requirements are:

1) to get a basic education in natural subjects (social sciences, humanities, economic sciences) that helps to form an individual with a broad world outlook and thinking ability having primary vocational education;

2) to have the ability to use modern technology, to be able to effectively use information technologies in the professional work;

3) to acquire the skills of independent learning of new knowledge necessary to continue their studies in daily professional work and in the next stages of education.

Requirements for social and ethical competences are:

1) to know social and ethical values based on social opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and to be guided by them in the professional work;

2) to observe working rules, to know the ethical and legal rules of conduct;

3) to know and respect the traditions and culture of the peoples living in Turkmenistan;

4) to respect traditions and culture of other nations of the world;

5) to know the fundamentals of the legal system and legislation of Turkmenistan;

6) to have a general understanding on science and scientific thinking;

7) to know the direction of social development of society;

8) to be able to behave correctly in various life situations;

9) to be able to work with the public, maintain order, express new ideas;

10) to be able to come to an agreement, to reconcile one's own opinion with the opinion of the employees;

11) to strive for professional and individual growth.

Requirements for economic, organizational and management competences:

1) to know the fundamentals of economic sciences, to have a scientific understanding of management, marketing, finance and etc.;

2) to know and understand the goals and methods of state regulation of economy, the role of the state sector in economy.

17.  Subjects in a set of general education subjects (a set of general humanitarian and socio-economic subjects and a set of subjects in general and exact sciences) (hereinafter - SGES) are determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan (Subjects related to a set of subjects in general and exact sciences are agreed upon with the primary vocational school). A set of general vocational and special subjects (hereinafter - SGVSS) is determined by the primary vocational schools.

SGES in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies is determined by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, SGVSS is prepared on the basis of a set of subjects of compulsory and primary vocational school.

18. The list of subjects included in the compulsory subjects is defined in the curriculum. It is not allowed to reduce the volume of the compulsory subjects. Exceptions may be made when the educational program is conducted in a shortened form of training on the basis of professional education.

The composition of the courses of the primary vocational institution in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies takes into account peculiarity of the requirements for the competences of specialized primary military education (employment characteristics, job requirements), military, specialized scientific fields in the world practice.

19. The volume of SGES is no more than 10-15% of the total size of the curriculum.     The Turkmen language, foreign language, second foreign language, foreign language courses by specialty are not included in SGES.

The subjects included in the SGES should be aimed at arousing national patriotic feelings and developing national patriotic principles in the students, possessing a general cultural world outlook and being close in the social relations, as well as at perfect using of information technologies, forming creative thinking skills.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the volume of SGES is not less than 10-15% of the total volume of the curriculum. The Turkmen language, foreign language, second foreign language, foreign language courses by specialty are not included in SGES.

20.  The volume of the SGVSS is no more than 80% (of the total) of the total volume of the curriculum.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the volume of the SGVSS makes up no more than 80% of the total volume of the curriculum.

The primary vocational school independently determines the percentage ratio in the curriculum of SGVSS.

21. All primary vocational schools include foreign language or second foreign language or foreign language courses by specialty in the composition of SGVSS and it makes up no less than 5% of the total volume of the curriculum. 

22. In the primary vocational schools other than primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the physical training course is included in SGES of the curriculum and it lasts at least one or two semesters.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the physical training course is included in the curriculum of SGVSS and its volume is determined independently by the primary vocational school.

23. The primary vocational school independently determines the volume and duration of the professional practice of the students in the curriculum, depending on the specialties.

24. For the full completion of studies in the primary vocational educational programs, during the whole term of study the students must have at least 800 hours of theoretical knowledge for one academic year and 1300 hours for one and a half academic years, as well as 160 hours for one academic year and 260 hours for one and a half academic years of industrial training, and 300 hours of industrial practice for one-year students, and 600 hours of industrial practice for one-and-a-half-year students are required.

25. The primary vocational schools independently determine the percentage ratio of industrial practice in the curriculum, taking into account the specifics of the vocational education program they implement.

Industrial practices fill up to 40% of the curriculum of specialties where most of the content of the study requires mastering only in the industry.

26. When determining the percentage ratio of the types of courses, educational and industrial practices in the curriculum to train workers with the primary professional education who can carry out independent professional work, are skilled and capable of the learned profession, and meet the requirements of the time, the requirements of the employer and the society and modern international experience  by each specialty are considered.

27. In addition to the curriculum in the primary vocational schools, there are independent curricula and working curricula, and working curricula are used in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies. 

Independent curriculum is independently compiled by the students on the basis of the list of the curriculum for each study period with the help of a mentor.

The independent curriculum includes the courses of compulsory subjects and other types of educational activities.

Educational activity according to the independent curriculum is organized on the basis of the personal application of a student, decision of the Teaching Council of the primary vocational school and independent curriculum approved by the primary vocational school. Written evidence of the student's eligibility for the independent curriculum is attached to the application. 

28. In other than the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the working curriculum is developed for the academic year based on the curriculum of the profession and the independent curricula of the students, and it is approved by the head of the educational institution based on the decision of the Teaching Council.

In the primary schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the working curriculum is developed for the academic year based on the curriculum of the profession.

A list of subjects and their educational load shown in hours for the academic year in the working curriculum, study schedule, types of lessons and types of testing, as well as other types of educational activity (practice, state examination, preparation and defense of course paper, assignment, calculation and graphic work) are determined.

29. The type, structure, development and approval procedure of the independent curriculum and the working curriculum are determined independently by the primary vocational school.

The type, structure, and procedure of development and approval of the working curriculum in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies are determined by this primary vocational school.

30. The content of all subjects is described in their standard and working educational programs.

Standard educational programs are developed according to the subjects of the compulsory curriculum and are approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and are constantly improved in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Standard educational programs in primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies are approved by the heads of the relevant state authorities.

31. Working educational programs are developed for all subjects of the curriculum and are independently approved by the primary vocational school. Along with this, the development of the subjects of the compulsory courses is carried out on the basis of the standard educational programs. The type, structure, and procedure of development and approval of the working educational programs are determined independently by the primary vocational school.

32. The minimum level of compulsory education and the level of education obtained within the scope of the educational load offered by the primary vocational school are provided by the various types of testing.

33. Testing of students' progress in education and determination of their knowledge of subjects are organized at the stages of the educational process (at the end of each academic term and academic year) by the relevant methodological associations and it is focused on the final results of education.

34. The office of the head of studies keeps records of the students' progress in education. This record is shown on the certified copy of the transcript (a copy of the student's record of credits and examinations).

A transcript (a copy of the student's record of credits and examinations) may be issued to the students at any stage of the course upon their written request.

35. The examination of the knowledge, skills, abilities and competences of the graduates is carried out in the final examinations.

The final examination of the graduates of the primary vocational school is held in the periods provided for in the academic calendar and the curricula of the specialties.

The purpose of the final examination is to assess the theoretical knowledge level of the graduate, the developed professional skills, the preparation for performing professional tasks and the compliance of his/her preparation with the requirements of the educational program.

The final examination is conducted in the form of passing the final state examination by the specialty.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the final examination is conducted in the form of passing the final state examination(s) on special professional and/or field courses.

The primary vocational school independently determines the types of students' final examination (passing the state examination on subjects related to their specialty), taking into account the students' theoretical preparation, the level of their educational achievements, the results of teaching, and their research and analytical skills.

The primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies independently determine the types of final examinations (passing the final state examinations in special subjects), taking into account students' specialties, the level of their theoretical training, academic achievements, teaching results, and their research and analytical skills.

36. Educational activities in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies are determined by the Regulation on organization and implementation of educational activities, educational and methodological, scientific and methodological activities in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies approved by the relevant authorized state agency.

37. When planning the training, the primary vocational school determines the volume of the student's weekly classroom training in the form of not less than 24 and 36 academic hours, depending on the type of training, taking into account the specialty. One academic hour of classroom training is equal to 40-50 minutes.

The total hours of the student's weekly educational load (all types of study and student's independent work) are equal to 40-50 hours.

The structure of the educational programs consists of different types of educational activities that determine the content of education. The educational institution independently determines the distribution rules of the subject content of the educational program.

38. The content of the primary vocational educational program are as follows:

1) theoretical education (training), which includes the study of sets of general education, general professional and special professional courses;

2) additional types of education (training) - various types of professional practices, physical training and others;

3) midterm and final exams.

39. Record of the educational activity is carried out in accordance with the volume of teaching material and effort the students make to achieve specific educational results is measured on the basis of the volume of the educational activity.  

The notion of the educational load includes: lectures, practical classes (seminars), laboratory work, studio classes, industrial training courses for the students, course papers, assignment, calculation and graphic work, all kinds of professional and industrial practices, preparation for and passing the final state examination(s).

The total volume of theoretical training is determined by the list of studied subjects.

40. Except physical training, the subjects on the languages, other subjects should have one non-repeated name. The number of the semester is indicated next to the name of the professional courses that last for two and three semesters.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies it is allowed to master the subjects over several academic terms.

41. The students master each subject in one academic term and take a final examination in the form of an examination after completion of the subjects relevant to their specialties. General education courses are graded by credit. All types of practices, course paper, assignment, final testing on calculation and graphic work are carried out in the form of the students' defense of the specified types of educational work and they are evaluated according to the established system of grading.

The students who study at the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies take a final examination after completing each course. If the duration of the course covers two or three academic periods, then after the completion of each academic period, a mid-term examination is conducted in the form of credit or examination. All types of professional practices, course paper, assignment, calculation and graphic work are assessed in the form of defense.

In one academic calendar, a student is not assigned more than one course paper, task, calculation and graphic work.

42. A single system of coding courses is used for the primary vocational school. Subjects are assigned a corresponding code in alphabetic and numeric expression. General education subject codes should be the same in all primary vocational schools. Vocational course codes with the same content should be the same in all primary vocational schools.

43. Individuals who have completed their studies in the educational program of the primary vocational education and successfully passed the final examination are awarded a diploma in the state form confirming that they have been given a qualification.

They are also provided with a state copy of the diploma and an attachment (transcript or a copy of the student's record of credits and examinations).

The primary vocational school also issues an international diploma supplement that describes the content of the education program mastered by the graduate.

Individuals who have completed their studies in the primary vocational educational program at the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies are issued a diploma in the state form confirming that they have been given a qualification. 

Besides, an attachment (transcript or a copy of the student's record of credits and examinations) is provided with a diploma in the state form.

The primary vocational school of the military and law-enforcement agencies may also issue an international diploma supplement that describes the content of the education program mastered by the graduate.

44. The student's educational load is measured in hours of study completed during the academic year for each course or type of study.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies independent work of the student can also be conducted in the form of an active classroom lesson under the guidance of a teacher.

45. Planning of teaching load of professional and teaching staff is carried out by the academic hours. Teaching load of professional and teaching staff and educational and industrial masters includes the time spent by the teacher in direct contact with the student in the classroom and other types of instructional activities according to especially approved schedule.

46. Industrial training classes, laboratory class, as well as physical training classes have exceptional characteristics, respectively, one academic hour of a laboratory class and a physical training class can last up to 90 minutes without a break. In this case, a 90-minute lesson counts as two academic hours.

One academic hour of all types of practices and the final examination of the students is equal to 60 minutes.

In the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies the academic hour is limited to 45 minutes on the average for all types of the lessons, practices and final examinations.

47. When calculating the volume of the educational work:

- from the student's joint work with the teacher during the practice;

- from the student's work on preparation and defense of course paper, assignment, calculation and graphic work;    

- the student's work is guided by the preparation and passing of the state examination by his/her specialty.

48. The educational load of the student is determined by the total number of classrooms in the direct contact with the teacher, hours of industrial training and hours spent on the different types of educational activities.

Classroom training is determined by academic hours. The academic hours of the classroom training of the student are supplemented by the appropriate number of hours of independent student work.

Hours spent by the student on the individual work to prepare for midterm and final examinations, final state examinations, course paper, assignment, calculation and graphic work and the work in the direct contact with the teacher or the work carried out with the teacher for preparing and passing the state examination are included in the curriculum.   

49. The academic year consists of academic periods, examination periods, types of practices and holidays. In the final year, the final state examination period is included in the academic year.

50. The total duration of the academic year shall not be less than 34 weeks. Depending on its types, the academic period should not be less than 16-18 weeks for a semester in the primary vocational educational programs, 10-12 weeks for a trimester and 6-8 weeks for a quarter in the language training (learning) programs before the primary vocational education.

The primary vocational school independently determines the type of organization of the academic period.

51. Test is carried out on all subjects mastered during the midterm and final examination period and taking into account the grades of the daily progress (initial arithmetical grade based on the results of the tests of the performed tasks), the final grades for the subjects are given.

When summing up the final grade for the subjects, the share of daily progress can be equal to 60%, but the share of examinations should not be less than 40%.

When summing up the final grade for the subjects in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, the share of daily progress should not be more than 60%, and the share of the examinations should not be more than 40%.

52. 14 days of winter holidays are given for the students who term of study is one academic year, two holidays are given for the students whose term of study is 1.5 years with a total duration of not less than 40 days.

The students who study at the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies are given two holidays during the academic year with a total duration of not less than 40 days.

The exact term and duration of the holiday is determined in the curriculum (from the graduation year to other academic years), depending on the peculiarities of the relevant field of professional training.

53. Practices are a compulsory component of the primary vocational educational program. The duration of the practice is determined in the weeks based on the standard measurement time of the student's work during the practice, which is not less than 6 hours per day. A 5-day working week is assumed when a full-time practical work week is established, and a minimum of 30 hours is calculated.

54. Based on the decision of the teaching council for independent preparation of the student for the final state examination, the number of hours for additional preparatory work is determined in direct contact with the teacher.

Hours are also given based on the time spent on preparation and defense of course work (assignment or calculation and graphic work) and decision of the teaching council. Preparation and defense of course work (assignment or calculation and graphic work) are carried out during practice and in the final periods of theoretical studies.

55. With the purpose of meeting additional educational needs, passing the examinations failed or missed previously or eliminating gaps in the curricula, retaking examinations (credits), mastering the subjects and academic hours, increasing average grading (points) system of progress, and mastering one-profile specialties within a dual degree program, it is allowed to include summer training period (except graduation year) the duration of which is up to 4 weeks.

In this case, additional training organized to pass the examinations failed or missed previously or to eliminate gaps in the curriculum is provided on a paid basis.

With the purpose of meeting additional educational needs of the students, passing the examinations failed or missed previously or eliminating gaps in the curricula, retaking examinations (credits), mastering the subjects and academic hours, increasing average grading (points) system of progress in the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies, it is allowed to include summer training period (except graduation year) the duration of which is up to 4 weeks.

The curriculum of the summer training period is independently compiled and approved by the educational institution based on the standard and working curricula.

56. The primary vocational school determines the amount of theoretical education necessary for mastering the educational programs in accordance with the indicators established in this standard, depending on the characteristics of the specialty of professional training.

When the primary vocational educational program is completed before the term or in case of mastering the subjects and fulfillment of the requirements in the shortened form of study, regardless of the term of the study, a document on the relevant primary vocational education is issued to the student in the prescribed manner.

57. The primary vocational school independently determines the number of hours of study and the volume of the educational program that should be mastered by the students in the shortened form of study on the basis of vocational education, taking into account the subjects mastered and one-profile subjects of the student in the basic vocational education.   

Those who study in the shortened form on the basis of vocational education:

1) the courses and hours of study mastered by them in the previous vocational educational program are registered, they are shown in the transcript, and on the basis of it, the educational activities are organized according to the independent curriculum;

2) The primary vocational school determines the shortened term and volume of the educational program of the relevant profession, taking into account the student's previous education. In this case, educational activities are carried out according to the student's independent curriculum.

58. Full-time students receive at least 300-510 hours of theoretical education during each semester of the academic year. The primary vocational school determines the hours and volume of theoretical education for the full-time tuition by correspondence or tuition by correspondence (including distant learning) and the term of study is extended.

In the academic years other than graduation year the students of the primary vocational schools of the military and law-enforcement agencies should receive at least 300-510 hours of theoretical education during each semester of the academic year.

59. The primary vocational school provides each student with a place for practice according to his or her specialty.

60. The teacher of the primary vocational school can freely choose the methods and types of organizing and conducting the lessons, provided that they comply with the requirements of the curricula and educational programs. 

61. The implementation of the educational programs of the primary vocational education provides each student with free access to information resources and library funds, all lessons, all types of educational activities, course paper, assignments, calculation and graphic work, practices, methodological guides and methodological recommendations on the student's independent work, as well as availability of instructional materials, audio and video materials.

The primary vocational school provides the students and teaching staff with access to educational, scientific and informational resources, including information sources kept in electronic libraries.

62. The research work of the students is organized in the methodological associations of the primary vocational schools, their laboratories, scientific, design and project departments, scientific and technical associations of the students (design and other bureaus, centers, research institutes, and etc.).

Appendix 1 to the State Educational Standard
of the Primary Vocational Education

Curriculum structure of the primary vocational education

Names of the sets and subjects


Classroom hours

educational load






A set of general education subjects (SGES)




A set of general humanitarian and socio-economic subjects




Fundamentals of the legislation of Turkmenistan




Modern Turkmen society




A set of subjects in general and exact sciences




Modern computer technologies




A set of general professional and special courses




Composition of compulsory courses




English by specialty




Total sum of theoretical knowledge




Additional forms of education




Physical training




Practices (in accordance with their types)


depending on the type of practice


Final state examinations




A state examination of the composition of SGES determined by the competent state authority for the management of education




























The primary vocational school independently determines the following in its curriculum:
1)    practices, their periods and durations;
2) semesters of studying subjects without disrupting the sequence of mastering the educational program;
3) general and specialized courses and their scope;
4) type of final state examination.

