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Talent and inspiration – a powerful force for popularisation of cultural heritage of Turkmen people



Today, the capital city hosted a solemn opening of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan.

The present event, which is held in the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi», became another significant event in the epoch of grandiose transformations initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov who has proclaimed the spiritual sphere as an integral factor for further development of the Turkmen state and society.

It is workers of culture and art, who are called to be champions of high achievements of Turkmen and world culture in the wide public, to develop an aesthetic ideal of society and to bring up new talents.

In this regard, responsible goals set before creative specialists are the fullest discovery of the essence and significance of national traditions, thanks to stability of which Turkmen culture has taken a special place in the history of world civilisation and ensuring of their continuity under the modern conditions.

Priority areas of the cultural policy of the Turkmen state cover various aspects of public life and are aimed to assist an accelerated social and economic development of the country. According to it, the network of cultural-educational establishments promptly grows in Turkmenistan, their material, technical basis becomes stronger, and process of professional education of workers of culture and art is improved.

The «smart» city of Arkadag, the first city in the country and Central Asian region, the initiator of creation of which is National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, became the brightest symbol of grandiose transformations of the new historical epoch.

Projects of the new city, which belong to the sphere of culture include the library named after Dovletmammet Azady, history and local lore museum, specialized school of art named after Sahy Jepbarov, children's school of art named after Shukur bagshy, state horse circus named after Gorogly, state drama theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov, apartment houses for workers of art and culture. Besides it, TV channel «Arkadag» was created and the newspaper «Arkadag» was established.

The cultural environment has a fundamental significance for modernisation of the country and spiritual uplift of society. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov attaches a great significance to development of national culture, preservation and continuation of its traditions and promotion of this sphere to the modern level, which meets the requirements of today and goals of integration of our fatherland into the world cultural space. The state makes immense investment for realisation of large-scale cultural programs, encourages workers of culture and art in every possible way, creates conditions for their fruitful activity, creativity of people, and holds corresponding competitions and festivals.

All this has found its reflexion in the boundless scope of construction of projects of the sphere of culture and recreation, satisfying a growing demand of population. The opening of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan erected at the initiative of tireless architect Hero-Arkadag and called to become a populariser of the richest Türkmen historical and cultural heritage, can serve a good example for it.

… On the square before the new building, the atmosphere of general emotional uplift and a big holiday reigns. The building and its adjoining territory are decorated lavishly in the festive spirit. On the occasion of the significant event, numerous Turkmen nationals and guests of the capital gathered there.

The folklore-ethnographic ensemble «Dokmaçylar» perform wonderful dances with elements of remarkable traditions of Turkmen people, music and songs, which add joy to the spirit of the event, sound.

In the performance, which embodied an indestructible link of times and generations, in all completeness the beauty and originality of the culture originating from the depth of millennia are displayed. From time immemorial, the Turkmen land was rich with bright unique talents. To continue noble traditions of our ancestors worthily - a matter of honour for representatives of all creative trades of modern Turkmenistan.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov joined online the celebration.

Having greeted the gathered, Hero-Arkadag noted that today we take part in the opening ceremony of the modern building of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan timed to Day of workers of culture and art as well as to poetry of Magtymguly Fragi and to the 300th birthday anniversary of the poet. This joyful event coincided with celebrations of the Week of culture, which are held in Arkadag city.

Having expressed confidence that this centre will be of great importance in development and popularisation in the world of Turkmen culture and art, Hero-Arkadag underlined that they play a huge role in spiritual revival of people and glorification of our grandiose achievements. The culture ennobles consciousness of people and even more inspires our people into great causes. All our successes and achievements are closely connected with culture, therefore the Turkmen state makes constant efforts to develop and enrich national culture and unique art by modern methods.

As was marked, achievements of our country, happy life of the people, first of all are reflected in works of workers of culture and art and creative people.

In order Turkmen culture and art have reached its present high level, many persons have made huge efforts and have continued their preceptorship way. A powerful contribution to development of Turkmen culture and art was made by national actress of Turkmenistan, winner of the International Award named after Magtymguly Jemal Saparova in this connection. Having taken a worthy place in the hearts of people as singer, choreographer, composer, she promoted development of national culture and art. Following the way of famous instructors, she sang songs based on verses of such master of poetry as Magtymguly that has led to her success.

Addressing Jemal Saparova, Hero-Arkadag reminded that at the beginning of independence of the country, the studio of folklore, ethnography, song, music and dance was opened and he then became witness of diligence of the actress and her fidelity to art. Under difficult conditions of those years a great deal of work was carried out to develop our art in national style, national spirit when her enthusiastic performances inspired our people into fruitful labour. Playing national musical instruments with dances «Gyzlar», «Heserli», «Çapak», «Köne güzer», «Bilezik», she could show tradition, customs of our people.

Speaking of the folklore-ethnographic group «Dokmaçylar», which is supervised by J.Saparova, Hero-Arkadag pointed out that the wide experience saved by her for past years became an ornament of festivities and celebrations, opening ceremonies of large projects held in our country. Performances made during the celebrations held in the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» also testify to this.

We compare culture to the soul of people and asset of the nation. And for this reason, our country attaches a great significance for development of international cooperation in the cultural sphere. Inspiring performances of the folklore-ethnographic group «Dokmaçylar» in national costumes at international festivals, the days of culture held in different countries, became a visiting card of Turkmen people.

Gentle movements of girls in combination with vigorous and flexible movements of jigits create surprising art. The ensemble, which repertoire totals over hundred songs-musical and dance pieces, has won a huge recognition of foreign admirers of Turkmen art all over the world. This collective also has won prestigious awards at the international dance and folklore festivals.

Having put her art at the service of people, being engaged in organizational and administrative work, preceptorship and attraction of the youth to creativity that demands assiduous work and selflessness, Jemal Saparova coped with such responsible goals, Hero-Arkadag said.

The principle of apprenticeship - continuity of creative way. Our ancestors spoke: «Şägirt halypadan ozdurmasa, kär ýiter» («The craft will disappear if the disciple does not surpass the teacher»). As playfulness of the horse, which was brought up by the seyis, the voice of the singer who was trained by the instructor is unique and high. Therefore, a great significance is given for worthy continuation of this tradition in art.

In the given context, it was noted that Jemal Saparova as instructor has brought up many disciples who today, have become true masters, «Honoured artists of Turkmenistan», «National Actor of Turkmenistan», won authoritative state awards and prizes. We are very proud for her, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined.

The merit of the instructor bagshy in development of national dance art is great.

The group «Dokmaçylar» shows a great skill in conveying to the spectator the sense of each song by means of dances. As known, in due time Maya Kuliyeva, Medeniyet Shahberdiyeva, Nabat Nurmuhammedova, Rosa Torayeva, Annagul Annakuliyeva and many other talented women-tutors, having big merits before the people, left an indelible trace in the history of national art. Continuation of this long-term noble way we see in creativity of instructor-bagshy Jemal Saparova, Hero-Arkadag stated.

There is no limit to perfection. In art and creativity there are no borders, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov marked, having expressed confidence that the instructor-bagshy, having carried out a big work , will create further new works for our people and national art.

By the efforts of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, in the capital construct one more modern fine building, which has become a gift in the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» was constructed.

Today hundreds of persons work in the folklore-ethnographic, song-music and dance group «Dokmaçylar» of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan. In the culture centre, modern conditions for their creative activity are created. The new building constructed in a harmonious combination of national and modern styles of architecture will become a true palace of art, Hero-Arkadag stated.

At the initiative of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in our country, a great deal of work is carried out to develop the sphere of culture. Today, Turkmen art is highly admired all over the world.

Further, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov read a poem devoted to today's celebration, «You, Jemal bagshy!».

In spring -

     The boundless beauty of the universe.

In pure salt -

     fortress of the family hearth.

In songs and in music -

    lives warmly.

Ornament of big festivities - You!

Having mastered art in perfection -

You, Jemal bagshy!

Great epoch inspires into creativity,

The modern history of the Fatherland is written,

with art the whole world prospers.

Love for the country -

         The higher happiness for you,

The model for younger generation -

You, Jemal bagshy!

At the end of his online speech, Hero-Arkadag warmly congratulated all on Day of workers of culture and arts as well as poetry of Magtymguly Fragi and with the opening of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» erected in one of the most beautiful corners of our capital and wished the gathered sound health, long years of life and big successes in the world of art under the leadership of Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

The speech of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was met by a storm of applause.

With great attention, participants of the celebration heard the welcoming message of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

In the message, the head of the state noticed that culture and art play an important role in ensuring preservation and popularisation of cultural wealth of people in the world as well as education of the younger generation. Culture as a matter of fact, represents a huge force, which is capable to raise mental potential and enthusiasm, and to inspire into grandiose achievements. Wonderful dances performed by the folklore-ethnographic group «Dokmaçylar» also testify to it. Its participants in national costumes, which reflect an indissoluble link between the great past and glorious present, are able to display with great skill riches of cultural heritage of people, in particular, songs and melodies for the wide public from all parts of the world.

The new centre will give workers of creative art all possibilities for enrichment and development of culture and art of our people, is underlined in the message of the head of the state.

Expressing huge gratitude to Hero-Arkadag for appreciation of her creativity, J.Saparova noted that today national culture has received a powerful stimulus for new uplift and unique progress. The state policy in this sphere is aimed at all-round spiritual-cultural development of our society, careful attitude to the heritage of ancestors, maintenance of continuity of primordial traditions of Turkmen people, preservation of originality of national customs and native language.

In this context, a great goal is set before workers of culture and art of the country - to propagandise widely the richest cultural heritage of the nation, to promote unique traditions of people and preserve originality of Turkmen culture, to create new works answering to the spirit of the age.

It was noted that creative workers adequately represent Turkmenistan abroad, promoting rapprochement of people, enrichment and interpenetration of cultures, further strengthening of friendly relations between peoples.

Participants of the celebration underlined a huge role and personal participation of Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag in creation of best conditions for fruitful creative, intellectual work of workers of culture and art of the country, preparation of profile experts, stimulation and support of young talents.

There comes a significant moment – honoured aksakals approach the central entrance to the new building of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» and to the storm of applause of participants of the ceremony cut a symbolical ribbon. During this moment, multi-coloured balloons soar up into the sky.

The gathered on behalf of all textile workers, including creative musical-dance group of the branch, expressed their warm gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty for their constant care and attention to harmonious and all-around development of Turkmen nationals. As was underlined, in our country a special significance is given for creation of all conditions for development of national culture in the light of requirements of time, its blossoming, enrichment and increase of level of art. And for this reason, cultural projects answering to the world standards are regularly built and put into operation not only in the capital, but also in velayats, cities and villages of the country.

Speakers assured the head of the state and Hero-Arkadag to devote all efforts and talent to well-being and prosperity of our fatherland, preservation and continuation of imperishable spiritual traditions of our people for the present and all future generations of Turkmen nationals.

Participants of the celebration with interest examine the building of the centre, its exterior and interiors perfectly blend achievements of modern architecture and design, feature of national architecture.

In the foyer, children welcomed guests. Sonorous voices of small performers glorify our beloved fatherland, which has provided the younger generation carefree childhood, its heritage and happy present, hardworking people, unique nature of the Turkmen land.

On completion of the inspiring performance of kids, they started to familiarize with accomplishment of the centre. There all conditions for versatile development of creative abilities of the youth are created. In particular, there is a big concert hall for 420 persons, with the scene equipped with the special technologies, acoustic systems and other necessary means for large forums and colourful representations.

In the hall for dance ensembles participants of the ceremony enjoyed the choreographic performance of the children's creative group «Dokmaçylar» and familiarised with conditions for rehearsals and preparation for concerts. Equipment of dance halls of the art centre corresponds to the international standards.

Special programs of training are developed for children engaged in classical bases of dance, its modern directions and, of course, national genres that enjoy popularity. For example, the kushtdepdi dance included by UNESCO Representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity. The dance accompanied by singing is loved by representatives of different generations, no holiday is held without it in our country.

Separate premises houses make-up rooms, wardrobes, video and sound recording studios. The network of circles will function there too.

Further guests of the culture centre «Dokmaçylar» visited a fitness-hall equipped with modern training apparatus, and estimated possibilities for organisation of training process.

Attraction to sports as many people as possible, especially the youth, is one of the priority areas of the socially oriented state policy. For active physical culture and sports act as an integral condition of health of people, happiness and well-being - a basis of our prospering state. Presence of sports facilities in the creative centre – another evidence of the fact that our country attaches due attention to sports along with education and self-development, recreation and improvement, discovery of talents.

Then visitors familiarised with the audio recording studio equipped with the advanced technology that allows experimenting various directions of music, using the latest programs.

The system of internal and external illumination includes all details. Work of the designers who have taken care of creation of all conditions for fruitful work of employees of the centre and technicians is praiseworthy.

Like the majority of modern constructions of the capital, a new building is equipped by all life-support systems. The special equipment will maintain there the necessary temperature, clean air, fire-prevention condition and safety of workers.

An outdoor parking, the system of transport-communication and other services at the service of employees and visitors of the centre.

On the terrace of the culture centre, the exhibition of stage costumes and accessories of folklore-ethnographic group «Dokmaçylar» was organised. The dresses sewn in different years for participation in solemn actions and concert programs, allow looking into folklore images through a prism of traditions, originality and riches of Turkmen culture.

Then on the area before the culture centre, the concert with participation of the music-dance group «Dokmaçylar» took place. The representation program included literary-music and folklore-ethnographic compositions, dance numbers as well as lyrical national songs and modern ones of the present epoch, grandiose transformations, which are carried out in Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the benefit of people and for further prosperity of our beloved fatherland.