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Scientists presented their research at the international scientific and technological park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan



On the 13th of June, the international scientific conference «Science, Technology and Innovative Technologies in the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State» continued its work in thematic sections.

The work of the second section «Biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics» was held in the international scientific and technological park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. The program of the section included more than 80 speeches and scientific reports on the widest range of topical issues of the designated sciences.

The first to speak were scientists from the People's Republic of China, who touched upon in their presentations the issues of increasing the efficiency of agriculture, in particular cotton growing and processing of its products, as well as factors influencing inclusive «green» efficiency. A scientist from Pakistan devoted his speech to the current topic of using artificial intelligence in agricultural biotechnology.

The conference participants were also interested in the presentations of other foreign guests - scientists from Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia, who presented the results of their research in the field of crop protection, studying local ecosystems of wild nature, and specific consequences of climate change. 

Most of the speakers at the thematic section in the international scientific and technological park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan were Turkmen scientists who spoke on the topics of effective management of land and water resources, new technologies for preventing pasture degradation, landscape monitoring, chemistry and ecology of aquifers of oil and gas fields in Turkmenistan, etc. They presented the results of studying the plant communities of the Central Garagum and Kopetdag, as well as new varieties of cotton.