Innovation information center
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the functions of national information centers
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The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in a seminar for administrators of Information Access Centers, organized by the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea



From May 27 to June 7, 2024, the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea conducted a training seminar ("IAC Administrator Training Program 2024") for administrators of Information Access Centers. Representatives of the Innovation Information Center of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan participated in it from the Turkmen side.

During the training course, classes were organized on data management, data processing, as well as the role of artificial intelligence in ensuring information accessibility based on the program prepared by the Korean side in accordance with international standards. During the training conducted by highly qualified Korean specialists proficient in modern innovative technologies, members of the delegation also took part in the Korea-Africa Forum. According to the program of the study tour, Turkmenistan took 2nd prize among about 60 countries in the world in terms of information accessibility and its innovative management. Specifically, the Information Access Center established within the Innovation Information Center was awarded the special "Best IAC Center Award 2024" among centers of other countries.

It should be recalled that on October 26, 2021, by order of the esteemed President, in cooperation with the National Information Society Agency of the Ministry of Science and Information Technologies of the Republic of Korea, an Information Access Center was established within the Innovation Information Center of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. Currently, the Innovation Information Center carries out its activities based on the Agreement with the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea.