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Universities of Turkmenistan and Russia expand cooperation



On February 27, during a working visit to Kazan, the Rector of the Oguzkhan University of Engineering and Technology of Turkmenistan Gurbanmyrat Mezilov met with the Rector of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU-KHTI) by Yuri Kazakov.

The parties discussed the development of cooperation in the field of education and science, the website reports The Consulate General of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation (Kazan).

The rector of the Turkmen University of Engineering and Technology noted the interest in joint activities in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, chemical technology, oil and gas technology, etc.

The heads of universities expressed their readiness for mutual active participation in scientific events held at universities, as well as in the cities of Ashgabat and Kazan. In this regard, the rector of the University named after Oguz Khan invited KNRTU-KHTI professors to make presentations at the university's international conference on biotechnology, which is scheduled for March this year.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to implement the planned plans, as well as to consider the possibility of signing a bilateral Memorandum of Cooperation.

On February 28, Rector of the Oguzkhan University of Engineering and Technology Gurbanmyrat Mezilov met with Vice-rector of Innopolis University Evgeny Bobrov.

During the meeting, the parties discussed prospects for cooperation in the field of training and retraining of specialists, exchange of experience in modern teaching methods, scientific research, etc.

As Rector G.Mezilov noted, the areas of study at a Russian university are of interest to the University named after Oguz Khan. In this regard, the head of the Turkmen university announced his interest in organizing internships for specialists of the Turkmen university at Innopolis University.

Following the meeting, the parties reached an understanding on the preparation of a draft bilateral Memorandum of Cooperation.

Innopolis University is one of the leaders of Russian higher education in the field of information technology. More than 1,200 students from 35 countries, including Turkmenistan, study at the university.

As part of the working visit, Rector of the Oguzkhan University of Engineering and Technology of Turkmenistan G.Mezilov and Vice-rector of the University A.Mukhammedov took part in the presentation ceremony of the book by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov "Youth is the support of the Motherland" ("Aşlar – Watanyen daýanjy").

The event, organized by the Consulate General of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation (Kazan), took place within the walls of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU-KHTI). The book presentation ceremony was attended by representatives of the faculty-the teaching staff of KNRTU-KHTI and about 300 Turkmen students studying at Kazan University.

As it was emphasized in the speeches of representatives of the Consulate General of Turkmenistan in Kazan, caring for the younger generation is one of the priorities of state policy. This is evidenced by both the country's legislative framework and ongoing projects in the field of youth policy.

It was noted that the first book of the President of Turkmenistan is dedicated to youth, their activities, successes and achievements, and this indicates the special attention paid to the younger generation in Turkmenistan, the creation of all the necessary conditions and wide opportunities for the comprehensive development and happy life of young Turkmen citizens.

The speeches also spoke about the fruitful activities of the Makhtumkuli Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, the State Program in the field of State youth policy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and the Strategy of International Cooperation of the Youth of Turkmenistan for 2023-2030 being implemented in the country.

The active and fruitful participation of young people in the socio-economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, public and political life of the state was emphasized.