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What Advertising is Considered Unethical in Turkmenistan?



According to Article 29 of Turkmenistan's "On Advertising" law, unethical advertising includes:

  • Content containing text, visual, and/or audio information that violates commonly accepted norms of morality and ethics, including offensive words, comparisons, and images related to nationality, skin color, gender, origin, property and occupational status, place of residence, language, religious beliefs, political convictions, or other circumstances.
  • Defaming objects that are historical and cultural values.
  • Directly or indirectly defaming state symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), the national currency of Turkmenistan or foreign currency, religious symbols, or expressing disrespectful attitudes towards them.
  • Discrediting legal or natural persons not using the advertised product, as well as their production, commercial, or other activities.
  • Containing a negative assessment of the advertised object.
  • Misleading consumers of the advertisement, including through imitation (copying) of the general composition, text, image, music, and/or sound effects used in the advertisement of another advertiser.
  • Containing words like "gift," "free," or other words creating the impression of providing a service (performing work) on a gratuitous basis if providing such a service (performing such work) implies payment.

Unethical advertising is prohibited in Turkmenistan.