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A creative architectural design competition and exhibition has been announced in Turkmenistan



The Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly announced the holding of a creative architectural design competition-exhibition «Development of national architecture in the Epoch of the Revival of the new era of powerful state. »

Students of secondary schools, students of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, young teachers, aspiring architects and urbanists, as well as representatives of various professions, workers in industries and all interested, creatively gifted, talented, deeply passionate about the art of architecture, young citizens of the country are invited to participate in the event.

The competition is held in three categories: Residential buildings; Cultural buildings and parks; Three-dimensional layout or 3D animation. The authors of the best architectural projects are determined within the framework of the exhibition of competitive works prepared by the participants.

When evaluating the author's works, the jury team will take into account the planning (ease of use) and design solutions (durability) of projects, their economic feasibility, aesthetic and national characteristics or the modern architecture of a building, structure, park.

The winners and prize-winners, as well as the distinguished participants of the exhibition competition, will be awarded with diplomas, certificates and valuable gifts from the Central Council of the Youth Organization

Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and other co-organizers of the event.

You can learn more about the rules of the competition and the design of works on the website of the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly / in the Contests section.

It should be noted that the holding of a creative architectural design competition-exhibition has acquired the status of an annual tradition. The event attracts the attention of talented young people who seek to develop their skills and abilities, improve their skills in creating architectural designs of the new time, bright samples that harmoniously combine the best traditions of national architecture and the best practices of modern architecture.

The creative exhibition-competition is held in order to review and evaluate national and innovative youth projects in the field of architecture, educate a new generation of high-level specialists, introduce young people to science and creativity for further improvement of domestic architecture and urban planning, identify the most talented participants who are able to independently conduct scientific research, solve complex problems and skillfully apply innovative technologies.