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Fastest-Growing Tree



The fastest growing tree in the world is Paulownia tomentosa also known as the empress tree. The plant is called paulownia in honour of Anna Pavlovna, the Queen Consort of the Netherlands, the daughter of the Russian Emperor Paul I. It is gaining popularity around the world, because it is unpretentious, grows very quickly and surp rises with its fabulous flowers. Its size is 12­30 m high and 8­18 m wide. The tree can grow up to 6 metres in the first year and then add up to 30 centimetres every three weeks. Its li fe expectancy is up to 100 years. This tree is native to wes tern China, now it has be en naturalised in the United States. It is noteworthy that these trees also produce 10 times more carbon dioxide than any other known tree species. In Japan and China, furniture, musical instruments and everyday items are made of it. From its seeds, oils used to make famous Japanese varnishes can be received.