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A scientific and practical seminar on research into adaptation to market economy conditions was held at the Technocentre



Scientists from the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, together with colleagues from other scientific institutions and universities of the country, held a scientific and practical seminar on February 22 to discuss the features of conducting research in a developed market economy. According to tradition, the meeting was opened by the director of the Technocentre, Doctor of Chemical Sciences D. Gadamov.

One of the features of the development of science in modern conditions is its growing interaction with education and production, the significance of which was dedicated by the head of the laboratory of technologies for the synthesis of new substances of the Technocentre D. Silapova. The union of science, education and production forms the basis of the activities of the AST Technology Centre, which was once again confirmed by the topics of presentations and the composition of the seminar speakers, among whom were representatives of academic and university science, as well as students.

The current topic «Internet entrepreneurship and e-commerce» was revealed by the leading specialist of the Technology Transfer Centre of the Technocentre D. Bayramgeldieva. Researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan V. Garahanov made a presentation «Methods of obtaining useful products from oil refining waste». Senior teacher of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction O. Orazdurdyyeva dedicated her speech to the economic and environmental significance of the Turkmen lake «Altyn Asyr». And a young teacher at the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev O. Annamyradova spoke on the topic «Main directions for the development of environmental education and upbringing».

Along with the scientific mentors, students of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly spoke at the seminar. The presentation by fifth-year student O. Orazmyradova, dedicated to the extraction of surfactants from aromatic hydrocarbons, and third-year student D. Kuliyev on the modern capabilities of chemical enterprises in Turkmenistan meet the modern demand for conducting applied research that is of practical importance in a market economy.