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Help is always nearby: the role of mentoring in attracting young people to scientific activities



Recently, a scientific and methodological conference on the topic «The importance of using the experience of leading scientists in attracting young people to scientific activities» was held at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

Opening the conference, Director of the Institute, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Hallymyrat Atayev noted the importance of mentoring in training highly educated young specialists in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.

As it was emphasized, mentoring is one of the centuries-old traditions of the Turkmen people, ensuring the continuity of generations, the transfer of accumulated knowledge and experience, and the spiritual and moral education of youth. Currently, about 50 percent of the Institute of Chemistry's employees are young people. Their number increases every year due to graduates of domestic universities and young people who graduated from higher educational institutions in China, Russia and Belarus.

The corresponding departments of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction, the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev, and the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly operate on the basis of the Institute.

The issues of organizing joint activities of scientific institutions and higher educational institutions, integration of science and education were highlighted in detail in their speeches by the head of the department of «Inorganics and Analytics» of the Turkmen State University O.N. Geldiyeva and the leading researcher of the laboratory «Chemistry and technology of natural, hydromineral raw materials» of the Institute of Chemistry L.B. Atamalova.

Senior teacher of the Turkmen State University M. Gurbanov dedicated his speech to modern methods of improving the training of young people in the field of chemical technologies. And in the speech of the senior teacher of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction B. Atayeva, the effectiveness of the «mentor-student» principle in the formation of a new generation of the scientific community of our epoch was revealed. The topics of speeches of other speakers were also considered through the prism of mentoring.

The fruitfulness of the mentoring practice was confirmed by students of the above-mentioned universities - Gulbahar Berdiyeva, Shanazar Bashimov and Eziz Hommatgulyyev - with their speeches at the conference. They devoted their presentations to such current topics as «Innovative membrane technologies for the purification and desalination of salt water», «Environmental and economic significance of recycling plastic waste» and «Chemical methods for producing natural dyes for textiles using local raw materials».