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An exhibition of Turkmenistan's economic achievements dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence has opened in Ashgabat



An exhibition of Turkmenistan's economic achievements dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence has started its work in the capital today.

Held annually on the eve of the main holiday in the modern history of the independent Motherland, the review has become a kind of visual chronicle of the most important milestones in the formation of the national economy, large-scale transformative processes in the social and spiritual life of the Turkmen people, and the multiplication of the riches of its unique cultural heritage.

This year, held under the motto "The Storehouse of the mind of Mahtumkuli Fragi", a large-scale forum organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is gaining special importance. Our independent Fatherland, following the path of industrial development, demonstrates to the whole world an example of high economic growth, resource potential and huge prospects of a country rapidly integrating into the system of global economic relations.

The multifaceted exposition is located next to the Garagum hotel complex.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis, representatives of ministries and departments, hyakimliks of the city of Arkadag and velayats, as well as the capital, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, public associations, business circles of our country and the media.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in a welcoming address sent to the forum participants, noted that the extensive exposition will clearly present the grandiose successes of the national economy and, in general, the dynamics of the growth of our Motherland over the years of sovereign development.

The main goal of the country's public policy is to achieve sustainable development of the national economy, scale up market reforms and improve the standard of living of the population. In this regard, effective work is being carried out for the full-scale implementation of long-term programs, diversification of economic growth, rational and integrated use of natural resources. Significant progress is being made in expanding import-substituting and export-oriented industries, in introducing innovations and digital technologies into them, stated Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

Industry expositions telling about the course of the unprecedented process of modernization and diversification of all sectors of the national economy, successfully implemented within the framework of state programs and innovative projects, were placed in blocks on the exhibition grounds.

The exhibition of economic Achievements of Turkmenistan will continue its work until September 21.

Source: State News Agency