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Participants in the final round of the State Olympiad in Foreign Languages have been determined



The first two rounds of the state competition in foreign languages announced by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan among students of short-term courses in educational institutions of the country, regardless of their form of ownership, have been completed. Based on the results of the first round, which took place in early February in educational centres, about 500 students of four age categories from 30 educational institutions received the right to participate in the second, regional round of competitions on knowledge of English and Russian languages.

The second round of the state language Olympiad was held on the 18th of February in each of the country's velayat on the basis of higher educational institutions - the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azady, the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev, the Turkmen Agricultural Institute, the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after. Seyitnazar Seydi and the Turkmen State Energy Institute.

Judging at the competitions, organized in an atmosphere of publicity and openness, was carried out by teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions of the country, as well as non-state educational institutions with short-term language courses.

The winners of the second round of the State Olympiad in Foreign Languages were awarded diplomas and the right to take part in the third, nationwide round of the competition, which will take place on March 10. It will be attended by 217 students who have demonstrated the best knowledge of English and Russian languages.

One of the features of this year’s state Olympiad is that participants in groups over 16 years of age also compete at a more advanced level in accordance with international assessment requirements for language education.

Held for the second year, the Olympiad is aimed at improving knowledge of foreign languages and increasing the level of their teaching in accordance with the Concept of Improving Foreign Language Teaching in Turkmenistan.